
Latest version: v1.9.78.123

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- PR 195 make runstrats iterable to allow callbacks
- Fixes 189 by adding callback during optimization
- Fixes 205 to avoid errors during unnamed argument usage in strategy
- Regression correction for no short-cashing

- PR 212 added Vortex indicator
- Closed 215 writer opens file in binary mode
- Closed 210 missing comma in status definitions lists in feed
- PR 203 python3 compatiblity for ib (long)
- Added shortcash parameter to broker to control cash increase/decrease

- PR 202 to fix import in ibdata
- PR 196, 198 - doc updates
- PR 199 delegate notifications in Chainer Data Feed
- PercentChange indicator request from 192
- %B BollingerBands from 190
- Check bar time before market type execution 190

- Pull Request 187 to improve SQN and test
- Update some samples
- Refactor new KST - Closes 183
- Closes 163 adding interest as commission to correct calculate PNL
- Improve SignalStrategy overriden methods to avoid impacting user subclasses
- Closes 168 - Fetching open orders
- 173 short-circuit calculation sqn in case of no trades
- strategy selection sample

- Closes 179 Ichimoku indicator
- Plotting allows now filling areas and showing the indicator name even with
plotlinelabels active
- Use _minperiod in linebuffer.qbuffer for maxlen rather than default 1
- Closes 169 - Correct DaySteps filter
- Add ROC100 indicator
- Add KnowSureThing indicator

- Improve cheat-on-close to provide exact match price even during replay
- Allow offsetting resampling bar set by timeframe/compression units

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