
Latest version: v1.9.78.123

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- Correct lastvalue update in TimeReturn
- Closes 111 by annualizing the returns if the rate is not downgraded

- Closes 89 by adding benchmarking to TimeReturn and new observers
TimeReturn/Benchmark (sample included)
- Analyzers can be embedded in observers to share functionality
- Added TimeFrame.NoTimeFrame
- ibpy imported in readthedocs for IBStore/IBBroker/IBData doc generation

- Closes 108 - Plotting documentation
- Some updates to analyzer docs
- Further refactoring/improvements/corrections to the analyzers

- Pyfolio integration
- Refactoring/reorganization of analyzers

- Correct filler implementation in the broker to consider order side for the
value returned from a filler
- Extend volumefilling sample to cover sell and repetition scenarios

- Added support for volume filling strategies in the broker
- Added 3 volume fillers: FixedSize, FixedBarPerc, BarPointPerc
- Added broker and fillers to the docs
- Added TimeReturn to the Analyzers reference
- Added DaySteps filter and sample to downsample a day bar in open + rest

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