
Latest version: v1.9.78.123

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- Add PR 303 with hook support for btrun
- Fix regression introduced with trading calendars for replaying
- Avoid a DivisionByZeroError in SharpeRatio if not enough returns for the

- Finish timers implementation and documentation
- Add timers samples and cheat-on-open sample
- Add a List class to check for containment with __contains__ rather than
standard list is or __eq__

- Fix 302 to plot resampled data with non aligned end of sessions
- PR 297 to save figures to files (refactored to save multiple strategies
and multiple figures)
- Ensure a data feed has always a non-empty _name if possible
- Alias getcash/getvalue to get_cash/get_value in broker subclasses if the
latter are missing
- PR 300 Set tools as executables
- PR 301 Metatrader4 csv format
- Documentation updates

- Timer calls implementation
- Broker support for cheat-on-open
- Add cheat_on_open to cerebro to allow next_open
- Finish trading calendar resampling for weeks
- Support Yahoo download over proxies
- Doc corrections/additions
- Support quick broker notifications

- Oanda support for bracket orders
- Oanda support for stop trailing order
- Filling in plotting support numeric values and control of alpha blending
- Documentation updates (filling, addobservermulti)
- Fix wrong calling of sizer with fixed isbuy=True after refactoring for
mixing of buy/sell and order_target_xxx

- Add tradingcalendar
- Add tz support for strategies
- Docs updates
- Add multi/tradingcalendar samples
- Add div/floordiv operations to lines
- Return data references in all cerebro methods adding data stream

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