- `summary` tool now gives reason for rank
- `summary` tools now splits `failed` into `exclude` and `qc-failure`
- Better documentation on how `--cpus` works in Nextflow
- Efficiency info when executed on standard profile
- split `blast_query` into `blast_genes`, `blast_primers` and `blast_proteins`
- `mapping_query` now creates multifasta of fastas at maps at once then splits per-base coverage into separate files
- `--nfconfig` users can provide their own Nextflow config file
- `fastani` users can provide their own reference now
- `bactopia versions` will print versions for tools used by Bactopia
- `bactopia citations` will print citations for tools and datasets used by Bactopia
- `bactopia search` can filter based on total bases, mean read length, and missing FASTQs
- blast queries results are only JSON format for easy parsing later
- added `--compliant` option for Prokka annotation
- build-containers.sh not working with Bactopia Tools
- Bactopia Tools container tools missing environment.yml
- Typo in `fastani` usage
- Samples with multiple QC errors counted for each error
- Incorrect ISMapper version
- typo in `summary` SLURM profile
- `gtdb` Singularity container not mounting path to GTDB database
- `roary` missing `rename` in containers
- `blast_query` results overwriting one another
- `build-containers.sh` now creates a "latest" tag
- `bactopia tool roary` outputs results based on the given prefix
- renamed `--addgenes` to `--nogenes`
- updated ASA³P citation
- Typos in Bactopia Tools docs
- Link in README.md