- Fix bug in creating shared regions for analysis when using a single sample in
multiple batches: for instance, when using a single normal sample for multiple
tumors. Thanks to Miika Ahdesmaki.
- Unify approach to creating temporary directories. Allows specification of a
global temporary directory in `resources: tmp:` used for all
transactions. This enables full use of local temporary space during
processing, with results transferred to the shared filesystem on completion.
- Fix issues with concatenating files that fail to work with GATK's
CatVariants. Fall back to bcftools concat which correctly handles problem
headers and overlapping segments.
- Enable flexible specification of `indelcaller` for `variantcaller` targets
that do not have integrated indel methods. Thanks to Miika Ahdesmaki.
- Move to samtools 1.0 release. Update samtools variant calling to support new
multiallelic approach.
- Improve Platypus integration: correctly pass multiple BAM files, make use of
assembler, split MNPs, and correctly restrict to variant regions.
- Be more aggressive with system memory usage to try and make better use of
available resources. The hope is to take advantage of Java memory fixes that
previously forced us to be conservative.