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- Redo Illumina sequencer integration to be up to date with current
code base. Uses external bcl2fastq demultiplexing and new bcbio integrated
analysis server. Provide documentation on setting up automated infrastructure.
- Perform de-duplication of BAM files as part of streaming alignment process
using samblaster or biobambam's bammarkduplicates. Removes need for secondary
split of files and BAM preparation unless recalibration and realignment
needed. Enables pre-processing of input files for structural variant detection.
- Rework batched regional analysis in variant calling to remove custom cases and
simplify structure. Filtering now happens explicitly on the combined batch
file. This is functionally equivalent to previous filters but now the workflow
is clearer. Avoids special cases for tumor/normal inputs.
- Perform regional splitting of samples grouped by batch instead of globally,
enabling multiple organisms and experiments within a single input sample YAML.
- Add temporary directory usage to enable use of local high speed scratch disk
on setups with large enough global temporary storage.
- Update FreeBayes to latest version and provide improved filtering for high
depth artifacts.
- Update VQSR support for GATK to be up to date with latest best
practices. Re-organize GATK and filtering to be more modular to help with
transition to GATK 3.x gVCF approaches.
- Support CRAM files as input to pipeline, including retrieval of reads from
defined sequence regions.
- Support export of alignment data as CRAM instead of BAM for space storage
and long term archiving.
- Provide configuration option, `remove_lcr`, to filter out variants in low
complexity regions.
- Improve Galaxy upload for LIMS supports: enable upload of FastQC as PDF
reports with wkhtmltopdf installed. Provide tabular summaries of mapped reads.
- Improve checks for pre-aligned BAMs: ensure correct sample names and
provide more context on errors around mismatching reference genomes.
- GATK HaplotypeCaller: ensure genotype depth annotation with DepthPerSampleHC
annotation. Enable GATK 3.1 hardware specific optimizations.
- Use bgzipped VCFs for dbSNP, Cosmic and other resources to save disk
space. Upgrade to Cosmic v68.
- Avoid VCF concatenation errors when first input file is empty. Thanks to
Jiantao Shi.
- Added preliminary support for oncofuse for calling gene fusion events. Thanks
to tanglingfung.


- Add a check for mis-specified FASTQ format in the sample YAML file. Thanks
to Alla Bushoy.
- Updated RNA-seq integration tests to have more specific tags (singleend, Tophat,
STAR, explant).
- Fix contig ordering after Tophat alignment which was preventing GATK-based
tools from running.
- Allow calculation of RPKM on more deeply sampled genes by setting
`--max-bundle-frags` to 2,000,000. Thanks to Miika Ahdesmaki.
- Provide cleaner installation process for non-distributable tools like
GATK. The `--tooplus` argument now handles jars from the GATK site or Appistry
and correctly updates manifest version information.
- Use bgzipped/tabix indexed variant files throughout pipeline instead of raw
uncompressed VCFs. Reduces space requirements and enables parallelization on
non-shared filesystems or temporary space by avoiding transferring
uncompressed outputs.
- Reduce memory usage during post-alignment BAM preparation steps (PrintReads
downsampling, deduplication and realignment prep) to avoid reaching memory cap
on limited systems like SLURM. Do not include for IndelRealigner which needs
memory in high depth regions.
- Provide explicit targets for coverage depth (`coverage_depth_max` and
`coverage_depth_min`) instead of `coverage_depth` enumeration. Provide
downsampling of reads to max depth during post-alignment preparation to avoid
repetitive centromere regions with high depth.
- Ensure read group information correctly supplied with bwa aln. Thanks to Miika
- Fix bug in retrieval of snpEff databases on install. Thanks to Matan Hofree.
- Fix bug in normal BAM preparation for tumor/normal variant calling. Thanks to
Miika Ahdesmaki.
- General removal of GATK for variant manipulation functionality to help focus
on support for upcoming GATK 3.0. Use bcftools for splitting of variants into
SNPs and indels instead of GATK. Use vcflib's vcfintersection to combine SNPs
and indels instead of GATK. Use bcftools for sample selection from
multi-sample VCFs. Use pysam for calculation of sample coverage.
- Use GATK 3.0 MIT licensed framework for remaining BAM and variant manipulation
code (PrintReads, CombineVariants) to provide one consistent up to date set of
functionality for GATK variant manipulation.
- Normalize input variant_regions BED files to avoid overlapping
segments. Avoids out of order errors with FreeBayes caller which will call in
each region without flattening the input BED.


- For cancer tumor/normal calling, attach final call information of both to
the tumor sample. This provides a single downstream file for processing and
- Enable batch specification in metadata to be a list, allowing a single normal
BAM file to serve as a control for multiple tumor files.
- Re-organization of parallel framework code to enable alternative approaches.
Document plugging in new parallel frameworks. Does not expose changes to users
but makes the code cleaner for developers.
- Default to 1Gb/core memory usage when not specified in any programs. Do not
use default baseline if supplied in input file. Thanks to James Porter.
- Integrate plotting of variant evaluation results using prettyplotlib.
- Add `globals` option to configuration to avoid needing to specify the same
shared file multiple times in a samples configuration.
- Remove deprecated Celery distributed messaging, replaced in favor of IPython.
- Remove algorithm/custom_algorithm from bcbio_system.yaml, preferring to set
these directly in the sample YAML files.
- Remove outdated and unused custom B-run trimming.
- Remove ability to guess fastq files from directories with no specification in
sample YAML. Prefer using generalized template functionality with explicit
specification of files in sample YAML file.
- Remove deprecated multiplex support, which is outdated and not
maintained. Prefer approaches in external tools upstream of bcbio-nextgen.
- Add `--tag` argument which labels job names on a cluster to help distinguish
when multiple bcbio jobs run concurrently. Thanks to Jason Corneveaux.
- Connect min_read_length parameter with read_through trimming in
RNA-seq. Thanks to James Porter.
- Map `variant` calling specification to `variant2` since original approach
no longer supported.
- Fix issues with trying to upload directories to Galaxy. Thanks to Jim Peden.
- Made inner distance calculation for Tophat more accurate.
- Added gffutils GFF database to the RNA-seq indices.
- Add gene name annotation from the GFF file instead of from mygene.


- Expand template functionality to provide additional ability to add metadata
to samples with input CSV. Includes customization of algorithm section and
better matching of samples using input file names. Improve ability to
distinguish fastq pairs.
- Generalize snpEff database preparation to use individual databases located
with each genome. Enables better multi-organism support.
- Enable tumor/normal paired called with FreeBayes. Contributed by Luca Beltrame.
- Provide additional parallelization of bgzip preparation, performing grabix indexing
in parallel for paired ends.
- Fix downsampling with GATK-lite 2.3.9 releases by moving to sambamba based downsampling.
Thanks to Przemek Lyszkiewicz.
- Handle Illumina format input files for bwa-mem alignment, and cleanly convert
these when preparing bgzipped inputs for parallel alignment. Thanks to Miika
- Provide better algorithm for distinguishing bwa-mem and bwa-aln usage. Now
does random sampling of first 2 million reads instead of taking the first set
of reads which may be non-generalizable. Also lowers requirement to use
bwa-mem to 75% of reads being smaller than 70bp. Thanks to Paul Tang.
- Enable specification of a GATK key file in the bcbio_system resources
`keyfile` parameter. Disables callbacks to GATK tracking. Thanks to Severine
Catreux for keyfile to debug with.
- Correctly handle preparation of pre-aligned BAM files when sorting and
coordinate specification needed. Thanks to Severine Catreux.
- Fix incorrect quality flag being passed to Tophat. Thanks to Miika Ahdesmaki.
- Fix Tophat not respecting the existing --transcriptome-index. Thanks to Miika Ahdesmaki.
- Keep original gzipped fastq files. Thanks again to Miika Ahdesmaki.
- Fixed incompatibility with complexity calculation and IPython.
- Added strand-specific RNA-seq support via the strandedness option.
- Added Cufflinks support.
- Set stranded flag properly in htseq-count. Thanks to Miika Ahdesmaki.
- Fix to ensure Tophat receives a minimum of 8 gb of memory, regardless of number of cores.
- Remove `hybrid_bait` and `hybrid_target` which were no longer used with new
lightweight QC framework. Prefer better coverage framework moving forward.
- Added extra summary information to the project-summary.yaml file so downstream tools can
locate what genome resources were used.
- Added ``test_run`` option to the sample configuration file. Set it to True to run a small
subset of your data through the pipeline to make sure everything is working okay.
- Fusion support added by setting ``fusion_mode: True`` in the algorithim section.
Not officially documented for now until we can come up with best practices for it.
- STAR support re-enabled.
- Fixed issue with the complexity calculation throwing an exception when there
were not enough reads.
- Add disambiguation stats to final project-summary.yaml file. Thanks to Miika Ahdesmaki.
- Remove `Estimated Library Size` and `Complexity` from RNA-seq QC
summary information as they were confusing and unnecessarily alarming,
respectively. Thanks to Miika Ahdesmaki and Sara Dempster.
- Several memory allocation errors resulting in jobs getting killed in
cluster environments for overusing their memory limit fixed.
- Added JVM options by default to Picard to allocate enough memory
for large BAM->FastQ conversion.


- Update overall project metrics summary to move to a flexible YAML format that
handles multiple analysis types. Re-include target, duplication and variant
- Support disambiguation of mixed samples for RNA-seq pipelines. Handles alignment
to two genomes, running disambiguation and continuation of disambiguated samples
through the pipeline. Contributed by Miika Ahdesmaki and AstraZenenca.
- Handle specification of sex in metadata and correctly call X,Y and
mitochondrial chromosomes.
- Fix issues with open file handles for large population runs. Ensure ZeroMQ contexts
are closed and enable extension of ulimit soft file and user process limits within
user available hard limits.
- Avoid calling in regions with excessively deep coverage. Reduces variant calling
bottlenecks in repetitive regions with 25,000 or more reads.
- Improve `bcbio_nextgen.py upgrade` function to be more consistent on handling of
code, tools and data. Now each require an implicit specification, while other
options are remembered. Thanks to Jakub Nowacki.
- Generalize retrieval of RNA-seq resources (GTF files, transcriptome indexes) to use
genome-resources.yaml. Updates all genome resources files. Contributed by James Porter.
- Use sambamba for indexing, which allows multicore indexing to speed up index
creation on large BAM processing. Falls back to samtools index if not available.
- Remove custom Picard metrics runs and pdf generation. Eliminates dependencies on
pdflatex and R for QC metrics.
- Improve memory handling by providing fallbacks during common memory intensive steps.
Better handle memory on SLURM by explicitly allowing system memory in addition
to that required for processing.
- Update fastqc runs to use a BAM files downsampled to 10 million reads to avoid
excessive run times. Part of general speed up of QC step.
- Add Qualimap to generate plots and metrics for BAM alignments. Off by default
due to speed issues.
- Improve handling of GATK version detection, including support for Appistry versions.
- Allow interruption of read_through trimming with Ctrl-C.
- Improve test suite: use system configuration instead of requiring test specific setup.
Install and use a local version of nose using the installer provided Python.
- Fix for crash with single-end reads in read_through trimming.
- Added a library complexity calculation for RNA-seq libraries as a QC metric
- Added sorting via sambamba. Internally bcbio-nextgen now inspects the headers
of SAM/BAM files to find their sorting status, so make sure tools set it correctly.


- Framework for indexing input reads using parallel bgzip and grabix, to handle
distributed alignment. Enables further distribution of alignment step beyond
multicore nodes.
- Rework of ensemble calling approach to generalize to population level ensemble
calls. Provide improved defaults for handle 3 caller consolidation.
- Support for Mouse (mm10) variant calling and RNA-seq.
- For recent versions of Gemini (0.6.3+) do not load filtered variants into
database, only including passed variants.
- Improve specification of resource parameters, using multiple `-r` flags
instead of single semi-colon separated input. Allow specification of pename
resource parameter for selecting correct SGE environment when not
automatically found.
- Support biobambam's bammarkduplicates2 for duplicate removal.
- Clean up logging handling code to be more resilient to interrupt messages.
- Speed improvements for selecting unanalyzed and unmapped reads to address
bottlenecks during BAM prep phase.
- Bug fix for algorithm options incorrectly expanded to paths on re-runs. Thanks
to Brent Pedersen for report.
- Fix for Tophat 2.0.9 support: remove reads with empty read names.
- Save installation and upgrade details to enable cleaner upgrades without
needing to respecify genomes, tool directory and other options from

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