
Latest version: v1.1.5

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- Move specification of supporting genome files for variation (dbSNP, training
files) and RNA-seq (transcript GTF files) analyses into an organism specific
resources file. Improves ability to support additional organisms and genome
- Provide paired tumor/normal variant calling with VarScan. Thanks to Luca Beltrame.
- Require bash shell and use of pipefail for piped commands. Ensures rapid
detection of failures during piped steps like alignment.
- Use samtools cat for post-BAM merging to avoid issues with bamtools
requirement for open file handles.
- Add installation/upgrade options to enable commercially restricted and data
intensive third party tools.
- Support for GATK 2.7
- Fixes for TopHat 2.0.9 support: remove extra non-mate match paired end reads
from alignment output.
- Pull `description` sample names from BAM files if not present in input
configuration file. Thanks to Paul Tang for suggestion.
- Bug fixes for non-paired RNA-seq analysis.
- Add custom filtration of FreeBayes samples using bcbio.variation.
- Default to phred33 format for Tophat alignment if none specified.


- Report memory usage for processes to cluster schedulers and use predicted
memory usage to schedule cores per machine. Gets core and memory information
for machines and uses to ensure submitted jobs can schedule with available
- Provide error checking of input YAML configuration at run start. Avoids
accidental typos or incorrect settings that won't error out until later in the
- Drop requirement for fc_name and fc_date in input YAML file. Individual sample
names are instead used and required to be unique within a processing run.
- Remove original `variant` pipeline, replacing with the all around better
`variant2` analysis method. Plan for the next version is to automatically
redirect to `variant2`.
- Improve parallelization of BAM preparation and gemini database creation by
moving to multicore versions.
- Move variant annotation to work on called sub-regions, to avoid bottlenecks
when annotating a full whole genome VCF.
- Remove sequencer-specific integration functionality which is poorly maintained
and better done with third party tools: demultiplexing and statistics from
Illumina directories.
- Bug fix to re-enable template generation functionality.
- Improve BAM merging on large files using samtools for output sort.
- Uploading results works with the RNA-seq pipeline.
- Rework internals to provide a consistent dictionary of sample attributes up
front, avoiding lane/sample dichotomy which provided confusing internal code.
- Drop calling htseq-count from the command line in favor of an internal


- Remove requirement for bcbio_system.yaml passed in on command line, defaulting
to default file prepared by installer unless specified.
- Bug fixes for new approach to parsing *.loc files: handle Galaxy *.loc files
with mixed tabs and spaces correctly and fall back to previous approaches
when aligner specific *.loc files are missing.
- Bug fixes for preparing merged BAM files using bamtools: correctly sort after
merging and avoid duplication of reads in noanalysis files.
- Bug fix for concatenating files when first file in empty.
- Recover from ZeroMQ logging errors, avoiding loss of logging output.


- RNA-seq pipeline updated: deprecate Tophat 1 in favor of Tophat 2. Perform
automatic adapter trimming of common adapter sequences. STAR aligner support.
RNA-SeQC support for RNA-seq specific quality control. Transcript quantitation
with htseq-count.
- Updated installation and upgrade procedures, to make it easier to build an
initial analysis pipeline and upgrade bcbio-nextgen and third-parts tools and
data in place.
- Add support for MuTect tumor/normal variant caller, contributed by Luca
- Generalize variant calling to support alternative callers like cancer-specific
calling: provide additional associated files to variant calls and pass along
sample specific metadata. Document implementation of new variant callers.
- Improve algorithms around post-variant calling preparation. Avoid unnecessary
tries for VQSR on low coverage whole genome reads, and concatenate VCF files to
avoid locking penalties.
- Fix logging and memory usage for multicore jobs run within ipython clusters.
- Improve logging for IPython cluster issues, including moving IPython logs
inside project logging directory for better access.
- Options for improved cluster resiliency: minimize number of clusters started
during processing with more extensive reuse, flexible timeouts for waiting on
cluster start up, and expose options to allow job retries. Thanks to Zhengqiu
Cai for suggestions and testing.


- Improve logging: Detailed debugging logs collect all process standard out and
error and command lines across distributed systems.
- Piping improvements: provide fully piped analysis with GATK recalibration and
gkno realignment. Handle smaller reads with novoalign piped analysis.
- Improve collapsing analysis regions into evenly sized blocks to better handle
large numbers of samples analyzed together.
- Provide template functionality to ease generation of input sample.yaml files
from lists of BAM of fastq files. Thanks to Brent Pedersen and Paul Tang.
- Updated program support: Improved novoalign support based on evaluation with
reference genomes. Support GATK 2.5-2. Support VarScan 2.3.5.
- Fix naming of read group information (ID and SM) to be more robust. Identifies
issues with duplicated read groups up front to avoid downstream errors during
variant calling. Thanks to Zhengqiu Cai.
- Improve quality control metrics: Cleanup into custom qc directory and ensure
correct selection of duplicate and other metrics for split post-alignment
prep, even without merging.
- Fix IPython parallel usage for larger clusters, providing improved resiliency
for long running jobs.
- Clean up handling of missing programs and input files with better error
messages. From Brent Pedersen.


- Integrate fully with bcbio.variation to provide automated validation of
variant calls against reference materials.
- Provide full list of all third party software versions used in analysis.
- Create GEMINI database as part of output process, allowing immediate queries
of variants with associated population and annotation data.
- Collapse analysis regions into evenly sized blocks separated by non-callable
regions. Provides better parallelism.
- Documentation and examples for NA12878 exome and whole genome pipelines.

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