🍱 BentoML `v1.0.11` is here featuring the introduction of an [inference collection and model monitoring API](https://docs.bentoml.org/en/latest/guides/monitoring.html) that can be easily integrated with any model monitoring frameworks.

- Introduced the `bentoml.monitor` API for monitoring any features, predictions, and target data in numerical, categorical, and numerical sequence types.
import bentoml
from bentoml.io import Text
from bentoml.io import NumpyNdarray
CLASS_NAMES = ["setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"]
iris_clf_runner = bentoml.sklearn.get("iris_clf:latest").to_runner()
svc = bentoml.Service("iris_classifier", runners=[iris_clf_runner])
input=NumpyNdarray.from_sample(np.array([4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2], dtype=np.double)),
async def classify(features: np.ndarray) -> str:
with bentoml.monitor("iris_classifier_prediction") as mon:
mon.log(features[0], name="sepal length", role="feature", data_type="numerical")
mon.log(features[1], name="sepal width", role="feature", data_type="numerical")
mon.log(features[2], name="petal length", role="feature", data_type="numerical")
mon.log(features[3], name="petal width", role="feature", data_type="numerical")
results = await iris_clf_runner.predict.async_run([features])
result = results[0]
category = CLASS_NAMES[result]
mon.log(category, name="pred", role="prediction", data_type="categorical")
return category
- Enabled monitoring data collection through log file forwarding using any forwarders (fluentbit, filebeat, logstash) or OTLP exporter implementations.
- Configuration for monitoring data collection through log files.
enabled: true
type: default
log_path: path/to/log/file
- Configuration for monitoring data collection through an OTLP exporter.
enable: true
type: otlp
endpoint: http://localhost:5000
insecure: true
credentials: null
headers: null
timeout: 10
compression: null
meta_sample_rate: 1.0
- Supported third-party monitoring data collector integrations through BentoML Plugins. See [bentoml/plugins](https://github.com/bentoml/plugins) repository for more details.
🐳 Improved containerization SDK and CLI options, read more in [3164](https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3164).
- Added support for multiple backend builder options (Docker, nerdctl, Podman, Buildah, Buildx) in addition to buildctl (standalone buildkit builder).
- Improved Python SDK for containerization with different backend builder options.
import bentoml
bentoml.container.build("iris_classifier:latest", backend="podman", features=["grpc","grpc-reflection"], **kwargs)
- Improved CLI to include the newly added options.
bentoml containerize --help
- Standardized the generated Dockerfile in bentos to be compatible with all build tools for use cases that require building from a Dockerfile directly.
💡 We continue to update the documentation and examples on every release to help the community unlock the full power of BentoML.
- Learn more about [inference data collection and model monitoring](https://docs.bentoml.org/en/latest/guides/monitoring.html) capabilities in BentoML.
- Learn more about the [default metrics](https://docs.bentoml.org/en/latest/guides/metrics.html#default-metrics) that comes out-of-the-box and how to add [custom metrics](https://docs.bentoml.org/en/latest/guides/metrics.html#custom-metrics) in BentoML.
What's Changed
* chore: add framework utils functions directory by larme in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3203
* fix: missing f-string in tag validation error message by csh3695 in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3205
* chore(build_config): bypass exception when cuda and conda is specified by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3188
* docs: Update asynchronous API documentation by ssheng in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3204
* style: use relative import inside _internal/ by larme in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3209
* style: fix `monitoring` type error by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3208
* chore(build): add dependabot for pyproject.toml by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3139
* chore(deps): bump black[jupyter] from 22.8.0 to 22.10.0 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3217
* chore(deps): bump pylint from 2.15.3 to 2.15.5 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3212
* chore(deps): bump pytest-asyncio from 0.19.0 to 0.20.1 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3216
* chore(deps): bump imageio from 2.22.1 to 2.22.4 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3211
* fix: don't index ContextVar at runtime by sauyon in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3221
* chore(deps): bump pyarrow from 9.0.0 to 10.0.0 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3214
* chore: configuration check for development by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3223
* fix bento create by quandollar in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3220
* fix(docs): missing `table` tag by nyongja in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3231
* docs: grammar corrections by tbazin in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3234
* chore(deps): bump pytest-asyncio from 0.20.1 to 0.20.2 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3238
* chore(deps): bump pytest-xdist[psutil] from 2.5.0 to 3.0.2 by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3245
* chore(deps): bump pytest from 7.1.3 to 7.2.0 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3237
* chore(deps): bump build[virtualenv] from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3240
* deps: bumping gRPC and OTLP dependencies by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3228
* feat(file): support custom mime type for file proto by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3095
* fix: multipart for client by sauyon in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3253
* fix(json): make sure to parse a list of dict for_sample by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3229
* chore: move test proto to internal tests only by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3255
* fix(framework): external_modules for loading pytorch by bojiang in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3254
* feat(container): builder implementation by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3164
* feat(sdk): implement otlp monitoring exporter by bojiang in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3257
* chore(grpc): add missing __init__.py by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3259
* docs(metrics): Update docs for the default metrics by ssheng in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3262
* chore: generate plain dockerfile without buildkit syntax by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3261
* style: remove ` type: ignore` by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3265
* fix: lazy load ONNX utils by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3266
* fix(pytorch): pickle is the unpickler of cloudpickle by bojiang in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3269
* fix: instructions for missing sklearn dependency by benjamintanweihao in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3271
* docs: ONNX signature docs by larme in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3272
* chore(deps): bump pyarrow from 10.0.0 to 10.0.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3273
* chore(deps): bump pylint from 2.15.5 to 2.15.6 by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3274
* fix(pandas): only set columns when `apply_column_names` is set by mqk in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3275
* feat: configuration versioning by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3052
* fix(container): support comma in docker env by larme in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3285
* chore(stub): `import filetype` by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3260
* fix(container): ensure to stream logs when `DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0` by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3294
* docs: update instructions for containerize message by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3289
* fix: unset `NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` when cuda image is used by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3298
* fix: multipart logic by sauyon in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3297
* chore(deps): bump pylint from 2.15.6 to 2.15.7 by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3291
* docs: wrong arguments when saving by KimSoungRyoul in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3306
* chore(deps): bump pylint from 2.15.7 to 2.15.8 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3308
* chore(deps): bump pytest-xdist[psutil] from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0 in /requirements by dependabot in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3309
* chore(pyproject): bumping python version typeshed to 3.11 by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3281
* fix(monitor): disable validate for Formatter by bojiang in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3317
* doc(monitoring): monitoring guide by bojiang in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3300
* feat: parsing path for env by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3314
* fix: remove assertion for dtype by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3320
* feat: client lazy load by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3323
* chore: provides shim for bentoctl by aarnphm in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3322
New Contributors
* csh3695 made their first contribution in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3205
* nyongja made their first contribution in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3231
* tbazin made their first contribution in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3234
* KimSoungRyoul made their first contribution in https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/pull/3306
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML/compare/v1.0.10...v1.0.11