
Latest version: v1.4.4

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What's New?

* Support Debian-slim docker images for containerizing model server, 822 by jackyzha0. User can choose to use :

* New `bentoml retrieve` command for downloading saved bundle from remote YataiService model registry, 810 by iancoffey
bentoml retrieve ModelServe:20200610145522_D08399 --target_dir /tmp/modelserve

* Added `--print-location` option to `bentoml get` command to print the saved path, 825 by jackyzha0
$ bentoml get IrisClassifier:20200625114130_F3480B --print-location

* Support Dataframe input JSON format orient parameter. DataframeInput now supports all pandas JSON orient options: records, columns, values split, index. 809 815, by bojiang

For example, with `orient="records"`:
def predict(self, df):

The API endpoint will be expecting HTTP request with JSON payload in the following format:
[{"col 1":"a","col 2":"b"},{"col 1":"c","col 2":"d"}]

Or with `orient="index"`:
'{"row 1":{"col 1":"a","col 2":"b"},"row 2":{"col 1":"c","col 2":"d"}}'

See pandas's documentation on the orient option of to_json/from_json function for more detail:

* Support Azure Functions deployment (beta). A new fully automated cloud deployment option that BentoML provides in addition to AWS SageMaker and AWS Lambda. See usage documentation here:

* ModelServer API Swagger schema improvements including the ability to specify example HTTP request, 807 by Korusuke
* Add prediction logging when deploying with AWS Lambda, 790 by jackyzha0
* Artifact string name validation, 817 by AlexDut
* Fixed micro batching parameter(max latency and max batch size) not applied, 818 by bojiang
* Fixed issue with handling CSV file input by following RFC4180. 814 by bojiang
* Fixed TfTensorOutput casts floats as ints 813, in 823 by bojiang


* The BentoML team has created a new [mailing list](!forum/bentoml) for future announcements, community-related discussions. Join now [here](!forum/bentoml)!
* For those interested in contributing to BentoML, there is a new [contributing docs]( now, be sure to check it out.
* We are starting a bi-weekly community meeting for community members to demo new features they are building, discuss the roadmap and gather feedback, etc. More details will be announced soon.


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What's New?

* Service API Input/Output adapter 783 784 789, by bojiang
* A new API for defining service input and output data types and configs
* The new `InputAdapter` is essentially the `API Handler` concept in BentoML prior to version 0.8.x release
* The old `API Handler` syntax is being deprecated, it will continue to be supported until version 1.0
* The main motivation for this change, is to enable us to build features such as new API output types(such as file/image as service output), add gRPC support, better OpenAPI support, and more performance optimizations in online serving down the line

* Model server docker image build improvements 761
* Reduced docker build time by using a pre-built BentoML model server docker image as the base image
* Removed the dependency on `apt-get` and `conda` from the custom docker base image
* Added alpine based docker image for model server deployment

* Improved Image Input handling:
* Add micro-batching support for ImageInput (former ImageHandler) 717, by bojiang
* Add support for using a list of images as input from CLI prediction run 731, by bojiang
* In the new Input Adapter API introduced in 0.8.0, the `LegacyImageInput` is identical to the previous `ImageHandler`
* The new `ImageInput` works only for single image input, unlike the old `ImageHandler`
* For users using the old `ImageHandler`, we recommend migrating to the new `ImageInput` if it is only used to handle single image input
* For users using `ImageHanlder` for multiple images input, wait until the `MultiImageInput` is added, which will be a separate input adapter type

* Added CORS support for AWS Lambda serving 752, by omrihar
* Added JsonArtifact for storing configuration and JsonSerializable data 746, by lemontheme

Bug Fixes & Improvements:
* Fixed Sagemaker deployment `ModuleNotFounderError` due to wrong gevent version 785 by flosincapite
* Fixed SpacyModelArtifact not exposed in `bentoml.artifacts` 782, by docteurZ
* Fixed errors when inheriting handler 767, by bojiang
* Removed `future` statements for py2 support, 756, by jjmachan
* Fixed bundled_pip_dependencies installation on AWS Lambda deployment 794
* Removed `aws.region` config, use AWS CLI's own config instead 740
* Fixed SageMaker deployment CLI: delete deployment with namespace specified 741
* Removed `pandas` from BentoML dependencies list, it is only required when using DataframeInput 738

Internal, CI, Testing:
* Added docs watch script for Linux 781, by akainth015
* Improved build bash scripts 774, by akainth015, flosincapite
* Fixed YataiService end-to-end tests 773
* Added PyTorch integration tests 762, by jjmachan
* Added ONNX integration tests 726, by yubozhao
* Added linter and formatting check to Travis CI
* Codebase cleanup, reorganized deployment and repository module 768 769 771


* The BentoML team is planning to start a bi-weekly community meeting to demo new features, discuss the roadmap and gather feedback. Join the BentoML slack channel for more details: [click to join BentoML slack](
* There are a few issues with PyPI release `0.8.0` that made it not usable. The newer `0.8.1` release has those issues fixed. Please do not use version `0.8.0`.


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What's New?
* ONNX model support with onnxruntime backend. More example notebooks and tutorials are coming soon!
* Added Python 3.8 support

* BentoML API Server architecture overview
* Deploying YataiService behind Nginx

* [benchmark] moved benchmark notebooks it a separate repo:
* [CI] Enabled Linting style check test on Travis CI, contributed by kautukkundan
* [CI] Fixed all existing linting errors in bentoml and tests module, contributed by kautukkundan
* [CI] Enabled Python 3.8 on Travis CI

* There will be breaking changes in the coming 0.8.0 release, around ImageHandler, custom Handler and custom Artifacts. If you're using those features in production, please reach out.
* Help us promote BentoML on [Twitter bentomlai]( and [Linkedin Page](!
* Be sure to join the BentoML slack channel for roadmap discussions and development updates, [click to join BentoML slack](


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What's New?
* Support custom docker base image, contributed by withsmilo
* Improved model saving & loading with YataiService backed by S3 storage, contributed by withsmilo, BentoML now works with custom s3-like services such as a MinIO deployment

Improvements & Bug Fixes
* Fixed a number of issues that are breaking Windows OS support, contributed by bojiang
* [YataiService] Fixed an issue where the deployment namespace configured on the server-side will be ignored

* [CI] Added Windows test environment in BentoML's CI test setup on Travis

* Help us promote BentoML on [Twitter bentomlai]( and [Linkedin Page](!
* Be sure to join the BentoML slack channel for roadmap discussions and development updates, [click to join BentoML slack](


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What's New?
* Added Spacy Support, contributed by spotter (641)
* Support custom s3_endpoint_url in BentoML’s model registry component(YataiService) (656)
* YataiService client can now connect via secure gRPC (650)

Improvements & Bug Fixes
* Micro-batching server performance optimization & troubleshoot back pressure (630)
* [YataiService] Included postgreSQL required dependency in the YataiService docker image by default
* [Documentation] New fastest example project
* [Bug Fix] Fixed overwriting pip_dependencies specified through env (657 642)

* [Benchmark] released newly updated benchmark notebook with latest changes in micro batching server
* [Benchmark] notebook updates and count dropped requests (645)
* [e2e test] Added e2e test using dockerized YataiService gRPC server


Not secure
What's new:
* Added FastAI2 support, contributed by HenryDashwood

Bug fixes:
* S3 bucket creation in us-east-1 region
* Fix issue with fastcore and ruamel-yaml

Documentation updates:
* Added Kubeflow deployment guide
* Added Kubernetes deployment guide
* Added Knative deployment guide

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