This version adds an option to isolate field configurations to enable a different hyperlink to be set depending on the regular expression of the field value. The is the `web_regex` attribute, demonstrated below:
<field type="text" required="genome_expected" length="20" maindisplay="no" web_regex="^SAM|[?]?dataType=BIOSAMPLE;^[EDS]RS|[?]?dataType=SAMPLE" web="[?]" comments="ENA/SRA biosample accession number" multiple="yes" group="Tracking">biosample_accession</field>
If the value of the biosample_accession field above starts with 'SAM' then the hyperlinked URL will be '[?]?dataType=BIOSAMPLE' (where [?] is the field value), whereas if the field value starts with ERS, EDS, or SRS then the hyperlinked URL will be '[?]?dataType=SAMPLE'. If none of the regex defined are matched then the value set for the `web` attribute will be used, e.g.[?] in the above.
**Full Changelog**: