
Latest version: v0.0.6

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Adds support for defining colours for specific field values in dashboard visualisations.

You can define colours for values by field using an additional configuration file called dashboard_colours.toml that can be placed either
in /etc/bigsdb (for global use) or within a database configuration directory. The format is as follows:

'eav_Bexsero_reactivity' = {
'exact match' = '2ca02c',
'cross-reactive' = 'ff7f0e',
'none' = 'd62728',
'insufficient data' = '888888',
'No value' = 'aaaaaa'
'eav_Trumenba_reactivity' = {
'exact match' = '2ca02c',
'cross-reactive' = 'ff7f0e',
'none' = 'd62728',
'insufficient data' = '888888',
'No value' = 'aaaaaa'
's_1_clonal_complex' = {
'ST-11 complex' = 'yellow',
'ST-41/44 complex' = 'green'

Field names are prefixed as follows:

* f\_ Standard provenance fields, e.g. f_country

* e\_ Extended attribute fields, e.g. e_country||continent (continent attribute linked to country)

* eav\_ :ref:`Sparely-populated fields<sparsely_populated_fields>`, e.g. eav_Bexsero_reactivity

* s\_ Scheme fields, e.g. s_1_clonal_complex (clonal complex field in scheme 1)

This works for pie, doughnut, bar, and pie charts. Note that if you define any values for a field then any value not defined will be shown as light grey in the visualisation.


- Checks, and adds if necessary, field indexes on scheme field cache tables.
- As the scheme cache tables are not now re-created from scratch, it is necessary to check that the fields and field types match those in the scheme definition in case they have changed. If there are any mismatches, the scheme field cache table is dropped and recreated with a full refresh.
- New index added to the missing_loci field of the scheme cache. This speeds up a query used once for every isolate during scheme cache renewal.
- Sequence export with flanking regions has been fixed.
- --curator option added to and scripts.


Cache renewal now uses an embedded database stored procedure for scheme field lookup, improving memory use.


This version bring Improvements to scheme caching in isolate databases. This is now more scalable for large databases. Manually refreshing the scheme is now done in a forked process with updates displayed using AJAX calls.


This version introduces assembly submissions, allowing users to submit genome assemblies to add to existing records via the submission system. See for details.


This version adds front-end dashboards for user and public projects hosted within an isolate database. Previously, front-end dashboards were limited to summarising the complete database, but these now provide a landing page for individual projects. As with other dashboards, these are fully customisable by end users and can be specific for individual projects. Links within the dashboard and menu items lead to database views filtered by the current project.


In addition, the annotation status for any scheme can be displayed within a dashboard.


Custom dashboards can be created for any project by adding a TOML file in the database configuration named dashboard_project_X.toml (where X is the project id). The format for this file is described at

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