Adds support for defining colours for specific field values in dashboard visualisations.
You can define colours for values by field using an additional configuration file called dashboard_colours.toml that can be placed either
in /etc/bigsdb (for global use) or within a database configuration directory. The format is as follows:
'eav_Bexsero_reactivity' = {
'exact match' = '2ca02c',
'cross-reactive' = 'ff7f0e',
'none' = 'd62728',
'insufficient data' = '888888',
'No value' = 'aaaaaa'
'eav_Trumenba_reactivity' = {
'exact match' = '2ca02c',
'cross-reactive' = 'ff7f0e',
'none' = 'd62728',
'insufficient data' = '888888',
'No value' = 'aaaaaa'
's_1_clonal_complex' = {
'ST-11 complex' = 'yellow',
'ST-41/44 complex' = 'green'
Field names are prefixed as follows:
* f\_ Standard provenance fields, e.g. f_country
* e\_ Extended attribute fields, e.g. e_country||continent (continent attribute linked to country)
* eav\_ :ref:`Sparely-populated fields<sparsely_populated_fields>`, e.g. eav_Bexsero_reactivity
* s\_ Scheme fields, e.g. s_1_clonal_complex (clonal complex field in scheme 1)
This works for pie, doughnut, bar, and pie charts. Note that if you define any values for a field then any value not defined will be shown as light grey in the visualisation.