* Added support for Birdhouse Helper Bot (for bumping versions).
* CI Actions and Python dependencies are now pinned to commit hashes.
* Permissions have been set and restricted as needed for all workflows.
* Pinned `cf-xarray` below v0.9.3.
* Reformatted and renamed `CHANGES.rst` to `CHANGELOG.rst`.
* Dropped support for Python 3.8 and 3.9. The supported versions are now Python 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12.
* `black` has been updated to v2024.10.0, and coding conventions have been updated to Python3.10+.
* Several dependencies now are pinned to baseline versions, including `anyascii`, `dask`, `ipython`, `matplotlib`, `nbsphinx` `numpy`, and `sphinxcontrib-bibtex`.
* Added `xscen` dependency. Now used in spatial averaging of ensemble processes.
* Updated the build system to use `flit` v3.9.0 (PEP 517 and PEP 621). Several configuration files have been migrated to `pyproject.toml` and `.flake8`.
* `finch` now uses a src-based layout for the package. The `finch` package is now located in the `src` directory.
* The pre-commit configuration has been updated to use `pre-commit` v3.5.0. Several hooks have been added, including `pygrep-hooks` (security fixes), `ruff` (code formatting), and `vulture` (dead code).
* Documentation examples now build without warnings. ReadTheDocs is now configured to `fail_on_warning`.
* `xclim` has been updated to v0.52.2.
* Modernized the documentation to reflect recent changes.
* Added `pylint` to the linting checks and `pre-commit` steps.
* Added deployment workflows for PyPI and TestPyPI.
* Synchronized more dependencies.