================== * Workaround for clisops shutting down logging * More flexible chunking * New subsetting & averaging notebook * Require xESMF>=0.5.3
================== * Add `data_validation` and `cf_compliance` arguments for ensemble xclim processes.
================== * Add `data_validation` and `cf_compliance` arguments for xclim processes. * Skip `data_validation` checks for the BCCAQv2HeatWave process.
* Add new process averaging gridded fields over a polygon using xESMF * Update to xclim 0.24, allowing for considerable simplification of the indicator process building mechanism * Update to PyWPS 4.4
* Add partial support for xclim 0.23 with new indicators * Add support for land indicators * Add support for multivariate indicators * Upgrade PyWPS to 4.2.10 * Fix bug in variable name inference * Add support for non-standard variable name (univariate case only)
* fix to chunk regions of subsetted files * use `cruft` to propagate changes from the birdhouse cookiecutter * catch documentation build error earlier since doc build is part of regular CI build * catch tutorial notebooks out of sync with code earlier since also part of regular CI build * use mock imports to facilitate building docs * add partial support for xclim v0.21 * add support for shapefiles in `subset_shape`