This release contains new features and plenty of bug fixes.
New features:
* 425: Added curtsies 0.2.x support.
* 528: Hide private attribute from initial autocompletion suggestions.
Thanks to Jeppe Toustrup.
* 538: Multi-line banners are allowed.
* 229: inspect.getsource works on interactively defined functions.
Thanks to Michael Mulley.
* Attribute completion works on literals and some expressions containing
builtin objects.
* Ctrl-e can be used to autocomplete current fish-style suggestion.
Thanks to Amjith Ramanujam.
* 484: Switch `bpython.embed` to the curtsies frontend.
* 548 Fix transpose character bug.
Thanks to Wes E. Vial.
* 527 -q disables version banner.
* 544 Fix Jedi completion error.
* 536 Fix completion on old-style classes with custom __getattr__.
* 480 Fix old-style class autocompletion.
Thanks to Joe Jevnik.
* 506 In python -i mod.py sys.modules[__name__] refers to module dict.
* 590 Fix "None" not being displayed.
* 546 Paste detection uses events instead of bytes returned in a single
os.read call.
* Exceptions in autocompletion are now logged instead of crashing bpython.
* Fix reload in Python 3.
Thanks to sharow.
* Fix keyword argument parameter name completion.
Changes to dependencies:
* requests[security] has been changed to pyOpenSSL, pyasn1, and ndg-httpsclient.
These dependencies are required before Python 2.7.7.