Well guys. It's been some time since the latest release, six months have passed
We have added a whole slew of new features, and closed a number of bugs as well.
We also have a new frontend for bpython. Marien Zwart contributed a urwid
frontend as an alternative for the curses frontend. Be aware that there still
is a lot to fix for this urwid frontend (a lot of the keyboard shortcuts do not
yet work for example) but please give it a good spin. Urwid also optionally
integrates with a Twisted reactor and through that with things like the GTK
event loop.
At the same time we have done a lot of work on the GTK frontend. The GTK
frontend is now 'usable'. Please give that a spin as well by running bpython-gtk
on you system.
We also welcome a new contributor in the name of Michele Orrù who we hope will
help us fix even more bugs and improve functionality.
As always, please submit any bugs you might find to our bugtracker.
* Pastebin confirmation added; we were getting a lot of people accidentally
pastebinning sensitive information so I think this is a good idea.
* Don't read PYTHONSTARTUP when executed with -i.
* BPDB was merged in. BPDB is an extension to PDB which allows you to press B
in a PDB session which will let you be dropped into a bpython sessions with
the current PDB locals(). For usage, see the documentation.
* The clear word shortcut (default: C-w) now deletes to the buffer.
* More tests have been added to bpython.
* The pastebin now checks for a previous paste (during the session) with the
exact same content to guard against twitchy fingers pastebinning multiple
* Let import completion return "import " instead of "import".
* GTK now has pastebin, both for full log as well as the current selection.
* GTK now has write2file.
* GTK now has a menu.
* GTK now has a statusbar.
* GTK now has show source functionality.
* GTK saves the pastebin url to the clipboard.
* GTK now has it's own configuration section.
* Set focus to the GTK text widget to allow for easier embedding in PIDA and
others which fixes issues 121.
* 87: Add a closed attribute to Repl to fix mercurial.ui.ui expecting stderr
to have this attribute.
* 108: Unicode characters in docstring crash bpython
* 118: Load_theme is not defined.
* 99: Configurable font now documented.
* 123: <F8> Pastebin can't handle 'ESC' key
* 124: Unwanted input when using <arrow>/<FXX> keys in the statusbar prompt.