There are a few new features, a bunch of bugfixes, and a new frontend
for bpython in this release.
* Dictionary key completion, thanks to Maja Frydrychowicz (226).
To use normal completion and ignore these key completions, type a space.
* Edit current line in external editor: ctrl-x (161)
* Python 2.5 compatibility, thanks to Michael Schuller (279). Python 2.5
is not officially supported, but after few changes Michael introduced, he
says it's working fine.
* FakeStream has flush(), so works correctly with
django.core.email.backends.console thanks to Marc Sibson (259)
* FakeStdin has fileno() (232)
* Changes to sys.ps1 and sys.ps2 are respected thanks to Michael Schulle (267)
* atexit registered functions run on exit (258)
* fixed an error on exit code when running a script with bpython script.py (260)
* setup.py extras are used to define dependencies for urwid and
curtsies frontends
There's a new frontend for bpython: bpython-curtsies. Curtsies is a terminal
wrapper written to making native scrolling work in bpython. (56, 245)
Try bpython-curtsies for the bpython experience with a vanilla python
layout. (demo:
This curtsies frontend addresses some issues unfixed in bpython-cli, and has
a few extra features:
* Editing full interpreter history in external editor with F7, which is rerun
as in rewind
* A new interpreter is used for rewind, unless bpython-curtsies was started
with custom locals or in interactive mode (71)
* Ctrl-c behaves more like vanilla python (177)
* Completion still works if cursor at the end of the line (147)
* Movement keys meta-b, meta-f, and meta-backspace, ctrl-left and ctrl-right
are all honored (246, 201)
* Non-ascii characters work in the file save prompt (236)
* New --type / -t option to run the contents of a file as though they were
typed into the bpython-curtsies prompt
A few things about bpython-curtsies are worse than regular bpython:
* Bad things can happen when using several threads (265)
* output prints slowly (262)
* bpython-curtsies can't be backgrounded and resumed correctly (via ctrl-z,
fg) (274)
There are two new options in the new [curtsies] section of the bpython config
* list_above: whether completion window can cover text above the current line;
defaults to True
* fill_terminal: whether bpython-curtsies should be fullscreen (like bpython);
defaults to False