* Add `oauth_access_revocation` to `WebhookNotification`s * Add support for `customer_id`, `disbursement_date` and `history_event_effective_date` in DisputeSearch * Remove `sepa_mandate_type` and `sepa_mandate_acceptance_location` params from `ClientToken` * Add support for VCR compelling evidence dispute representment
* Add support for `association_filter_id` in `Customerfind`
* Deprecated `LineItem/DiscountAmountMustBeGreaterThanZero` error in favor of `DiscountAmountCannotBeNegative` * Deprecated `LineItem/UnitTaxAmountMustBeGreaterThanZero` error in favor of `UnitTaxAmountCannotBeNegative` * Add support for `tax_amount` field on transaction `line_items` * Add support for `source_merchant_id` on webhooks * Add `find_all` static method to `TransactionLineItem` class * Add support for `profile_id` in Transactioncreate options for VenmoAccounts
* Add level 3 fields to Transactions: * discount_amount * shipping_amount * ships_from_postal_code * Add support for transaction line items * Add support for tagged evidence in DisputeGatewayadd_text_evidence (Beta release) * Update https certificate bundle
* Fix spec to expect PayPal transactions to move to settling rather than settled * Fix AchMandate.acceptedAt attribute parsing * Fix regression for `http_strategy.http_do`