* Replace nose usage for tests with unittest (Thanks arthurzam) * Remove mock dev dependency (Thanks arthurzam) * Add `ExcessiveRetry` to `GatewayRejectionReason` * Add `pre_dispute_program` to `Dispute` and `DisputeSearch` * Add `AutoAccepted` status to `Dispute` * Add `DisputeAutoAccepted` to `WebhookNotification.Kind` * Deprecate `chargeback_protection_level` and add `protection_level` to `Dispute` and `DisputeSearch` * Add `shipping` object to `submit_for_settlement_signature` * Add `SEPADirectDebitAccount` payment method * Add `SEPADirectDebitAccount` to transaction object * Add `SEPA_DIRECT_DEBIT_ACCOUNT` to `PaymentInstrumentType` * Add `sepa_debit_paypal_v2_order_id` to `TransactionSearch` * Add `sepa_direct_debit_accounts` to `Customer` * Add SEPA Direct Debit specific error codes
* Prepare http request before setting url to resolve issue where dot segments get normalized
* Fix `DeprecationWarning` on invalid escape sequences (thanks DavidCain) * Add validation for arguments in Address.delete, Address.find, and Address.update
* Add `LiabilityShift` class and `liability_shift` to RiskData * Add ExchangeRateQuote API * Add `ach_return_responses_created_at` and `reason_code` fields in TransactionSearch * Allow vaulting of raw ApplePayCards with billing address via Customer.create/update