
Latest version: v4.2.1

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Bug fixes

- Fixed regression introduced in Buildbot 4.2.0 that broke support for renderable Git step repourl parameter.


Bug fixes

- Fixed an `Access is denied` error on Windows when calling `AssignProcessToJobObject` (8162).
- Improved new build prioritization when many builds arrive at similar time.
- Fixed ``copydb`` script when SQLAlchemy 2.x is used.
- Fixed ``copydb`` script when there are rebuilt builds in the database.
- Fixed ``SetPropertiesFromEnv`` not treating environment variable names as case insensitive for
Windows workers
- Reliability of Gerrit change source has been improved on unstable connections.
- Fixed bad default of Github webhooks not verifying HTTPS certificates in connections originating from Buildbot.
- Fixed the timestamp comparison in janitor: it should cleanup builds 'older than' given timestamp - previously janitor would delete all build_data for builds 'newer than' the configured build data horizon.
- Fixed compatibility with Twisted 24.11.0 due to ``twisted.python.constants`` module being moved.
- Fixed build status reporting to use state_string as fallback when ``status_string`` is ``None``. This makes IRC build failure messages more informative by showing the failure reason instead of just "failed".
- Fix exception when worker loses connection to master while a command is running.
- Fix certain combinations of ANSI reset escape sequences not displayed correctly (8216).
- Fixed wrong positioning of search box in Buildbot UI log viewer.
- Improved ANSI escape sequence support in Buildbot UI log viewer:
- Fixed support for formatting and color reset.
- Fixed support for simultaneous background and foreground color (8151).
- Slightly reduced waterfall view loading times

Improved Documentation

- Fixed Scheduler documentation to indicate that owner property is a string, not a list, and contains only one owner. This property was changed to singular and to string in Buildbot 1.0, but documentation was not updated.


- Use standard URL syntax for Git steps to enable the use of a dedicated SSH port.
- Added ``ignore-fk-error-rows`` option to ``copy-db`` script. It allows ignoring all rows that fail foreign key constraint checks. This is useful in cases when migrating from a database engine that does not support foreign key constraints to one that does.
- Enhanced ``debounce.method`` to support calling target function only when the burst is finished.
- Added support for specifying the master protocol to ``DockerLatentWorker`` and ``KubeLatentWorker``. These classes get new ``master_protocol`` argument. The worker docker image will receive the master protocol via BUILDMASTER_PROTOCOL environment variable.
- Master's ``cleanupdb`` command can now run database optimization on PostgreSQL and MySQL (only available on SQLite previously)
- Added a way to setup ``TestReactorMixin`` with explicit tear down function.
- Added a way to return all test result sets from `getTestResultSets()` and from data API via new /test_result_sets path.


- Logs compression/decompression operation no longer occur in a Database connection thread. This change will improve overall master reactivity on instances receiving large logs from Steps.
- Improve logs compression operation performance with zstd. Logs compression/decompression tasks now re-use ``zstandard``'s ``ZstdCompressor`` and ``ZstdDecompressor`` objects, as advised in the documentation.
- BuildView's 'Changes' tab (`builders/:builderid/builds/:buildnumber`) now only loads a limited number of changes, with the option to load more.
- BuildView (`builders/:builderid/builds/:buildnumber`) now load 'Changes' and 'Responsible Users' on first access to the tab. This lower unnecessary queries on the master.


Bug fixes

- Fixed crash in `GerritEventLogPoller` when invalid input is passed (7612)
- Fixed `Build` summary containing non obfuscated `Secret` values present in a failed `BuildStep` summary (7833)
- Fixed data API query using buildername to correctly work with buildername containing spaces and unicode characters (7752)
- Fixed an error when master is reconfigured with new builders and a build finishing at this time, causing the build to never finish.
- Fixed crash on master shutdown trying to insubstantiate build's worker when no worker is assigned to the build (7753)
- Fixed confusing error messages in case of HTTP errors that occur when connecting to Gerrit server.
- Fixed `GitPoller` merge commit processing. `GitPoller` now correctly list merge commit files. (7494)
- Fixed hang in `buildbot stop --clean` when a in progress build was waiting on a not yet started BuildRequest that it triggered.
- Improved error message in case of OAuth2 failures.
- Fixed display of navigation links when the web frontend is displayed in narrow window (7818)
- Fixed inconsistent logs data in reports produced by report generators. In particular, `stepname` key is consistently attached to logs regardless if they come with build steps or with the global `logs` key.
- Fixed a regression where a `ChoiceStringParameter` requires a user selected value (no default value), but the force build form incorrectly displays the first choice as being selected which later causes validation error.
- Fixed logs `/raw` and `/raw_inline` endpoint requiring large memory on master (more than full log size) (3011)
- Fixed sidebar group expander to use different icon for expanded groups.
- Log queries in BuildView (`builders/:builderid/builds/:buildnumber`) have been reduced when logs won't be displayed to the user.
- REST API json responses now correctly provide the `Content-Length` header for non-HEAD requests.
- Buildbot is now compatible with SQLAlchemy v2.0+


- Buildbot will now add a trailing '/' to the `buildbotURL` and `titleURL` configured values if it does not have one.
- The internal API presented by the database connectors has been changed to return data classes instead of Python dictionaries. For backwards compatibility the classes also support being accessed as dictionaries. The following functions have been affected:

- `BuildDataConnectorComponent` `getBuildData`, `getBuildDataNoValue`, and `getAllBuildDataNoValues` now return a `BuildDataModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `BuildsConnectorComponent` `getBuild`, `getBuildByNumber`, `getPrevSuccessfulBuild`, `getBuildsForChange`, `getBuilds`, `_getRecentBuilds`, and `_getBuild` now return a `BuildModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `BuildRequestsConnectorComponent` `getBuildRequest`, and `getBuildRequests` now return a `BuildRequestModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `BuildsetsConnectorComponent` `getBuildset`, `getBuildsets`, and `getRecentBuildsets` now return a `BuildSetModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `BuildersConnectorComponent` `getBuilder` and `getBuilders` now return a `BuilderModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `ChangesConnectorComponent` `getChange`, `getChangesForBuild`, `getChangeFromSSid`, and `getChanges` now return a `ChangeModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `ChangeSourcesConnectorComponent` `getChangeSource`, and `getChangeSources` now return a `ChangeSourceModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `LogsConnectorComponent` `getLog`, `getLogBySlug`, and `getLogs` now return a `LogModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `MastersConnectorComponent` `getMaster`, and `getMasters` now return a `MasterModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `ProjectsConnectorComponent` `get_project`, `get_projects`, and `get_active_projects` now return a `ProjectModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `SchedulersConnectorComponent` `getScheduler`, and `getSchedulers` now return a `SchedulerModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `SourceStampsConnectorComponent` `getSourceStamp`, `get_sourcestamps_for_buildset`, `getSourceStampsForBuild`, and `getSourceStamps` now return a `SourceStampModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `StepsConnectorComponent` `getStep`, and `getSteps` now return a `StepModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `TestResultsConnectorComponent` `getTestResult`, and `getTestResults` now return a `TestResultModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `TestResultSetsConnectorComponent` `getTestResultSet`, and `getTestResultSets` now return a `TestResultSetModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `UsersConnectorComponent` `getUser`, `getUserByUsername`, and `getUsers` now return a `UserModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `WorkersConnectorComponent` `getWorker`, and `getWorkers` now return a `WorkerModel` instead of a dictionary.
- `Git` step no longer includes `-t` (tags) option when fetching by default. Explicitly enabling with `tags=True` is now required to achieve the same functionality.
- `logCompressionMethod` will default to `zstd` if the `buildbot[zstd]` extra set was installed (otherwise, it default to `gzip` as before).
- Buildbot now requires `treq` package to be installed.
- Buildbot worker will now run process in `JobObject` on Windows, so child processes can be killed if main process dies itself either intentionally or accidentally.
- Worker docker image now uses Debian 12.
- Settings UI has been improved by reducing group header size and adding space between groups.


- `copy-db` script now reads/writes in parallel and in batches. This results in it being faster and having smaller memory footprint
- Added possibility to set `START_TIMEOUT` via environment variable.
- Added data API `/workers/n:workerid/builders` allowing to query the Builders assigned to a worker
- The `db_url` config value can now be a renderable, allowing usage of secrets from secrets providers. eg. `util.Interpolate("postgresql+psycopg2://db_user:%(secret:db_password)sdb_host:db_port/db_name")`
- Added `tooltip` parameter to the forcescheduler, allowing passing help text to web frontend to explain the user what the parameters mean.
- `Git` and `GitPush` steps and `GitPoller` change source now support authentication with username/password. Credentials can be provided through the `auth_credentials` and/or `git_credentials` parameters.
- `Git` step `getDescription` configuration now supports the first-parent and exclude arguments.
- `Git` step now honors the shallow option in fetching in addition to clone and submodules.
- Github change hooks how have access to `full_name` of the repository when rendering GitHub tokens.
- Implemented simpler way to perform HTTP requests via `httpclientservice.HTTPSession`. It does not require a parent service.
- `logCompressionMethod` can now be set to `br` (using brotli, requires the `buildbot[brotli]` extra) or `zstd` (using zstandard, requires the `buildbot[zstd]` extra)
- Buildbot now compress REST API responses with the appropriate `accept-encoding` header is set. Available encodings are: gzip, brotli (requires the `buildbot[brotli]` extra), and zstd (requires the `buildbot[zstd]` extra)
- Added `max_lines` parameter to the shell command, allowing processes to be terminated if they exceed a specified line count.
- The `want_logs_content` argument of message formatters now supports being passed a list of logs for which to load the content.
- Exposed log URLs as `url`, `url_raw`, `url_raw_inline` in the log dictionary generated by report generators.
- `TestBuildStepMixin` now supports testing multiple steps added via `setup_step()` in a single unit test.
- Worker base directory has been exposed as a normal build property called `basedir`.
- Show build and step start and stop times when hovering on duration in build step table.
- The following website URLs now support receiving `buildername` instead of `builderid` to select the builder: `builders/:builderid`, `builders/:builderid/builds/:buildnumber`, and `builders/:builderid/builds/:buildnumber/steps/:stepnumber/logs/:logslug`.
- Human readable time is now shown in addition to timestamp in various debug tabs in the web frontend.
- `ChoiceStringParameter` can now have both `multiple=True` and `strict=False` allowing to create values in the web UI.
- Buildrequests tables in various places in the web UI now have a button to load more items.
- Added a way to configure sidebar menu group expand behavior in web frontend.
- Web UI's Worker view (`workers/{workerId}`) now has a `Builders` tab showing Builders configured on the worker
- Builders view now paginates builders list. Page size can be configured with the setting 'Builders page related settings > Number of builders to show per page'.
- Workers view now paginates workers list. Page size can be configured with the setting 'Workers page related settings > Number of workers to show per page'.
- Workers view now includes a search box to filter on worker's name.

Deprecations and Removals

- Buildbot worker no longer supports Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. Older version of Buildbot worker should be used in case it needs to run on these old versions of Python. Old versions of Buildbot worker are fully supported by Buildbot master.
- `buildbot.db.test_results.TestResultDict` is deprecated in favor of `buildbot.db.test_results.TestResultModel`.
- `buildbot.db.test_result_sets.TestResultSetDict` is deprecated in favor of `buildbot.db.test_result_sets.TestResultSetModel`.
- `buildbot.db.buildrequests.BrDict` is deprecated in favor of `buildbot.db.buildrequests.BuildRequestModel`.
- `buildbot.db.build_data.BuildDataDict` is deprecated in favor of `buildbot.db.build_data.BuildDataModel`.
- `buildbot.db.changes.ChDict` is deprecated in favor of `buildbot.db.changes.ChangeModel`.
- `buildbot.db.masters.MasterDict` is deprecated in favor of `buildbot.db.masters.MasterModel`.
- `buildbot.db.sourcestamps.SsDict` is deprecated in favor of `buildbot.db.sourcestamps.SourceStampModel`.
- `buildbot.db.users.UsDict` is deprecated in favor of `buildbot.db.users.UserModel`.
- The following methods of `httpclientservice.HTTPClientService` have been deprecated: `get`, `delete`, `post`, `put`, `updateHeaders`. Use corresponding methods from `HTTPSession`.
- The `add_logs` argument of `BuildStatusGenerator`, `BuildStartEndStatusGenerator` and `BuildSetStatusGenerator` has been removed. As a replacement, set `want_logs_content` of the passed message formatter.
- The `build_files`, `worker_env` and `worker_version` arguments of `TestBuildStepMixin.setup_step()` have been deprecated. As a replacement, call `TestBuildStepMixin.setup_build()` before `setup_step`.
- The `step` attribute of `TestBuildStepMixin` has been deprecated. As a replacement, call `TestBuildStepMixin.get_nth_step()`.
- Master running with Twisted >= 24.7.0 does not work with buildbot-worker 0.8. Use Twisted 24.3.0 on master if you need to communicate with buildbot-worker 0.8. This may be fixed in the future.
- Buildbot master now requires Twisted 22.1.0 or newer.


Bug fixes

- Fixed missing builder force scheduler route `/builders/:builderid/force/:scheduler`.
- Fixed URL of WGSI dashboards to keep backward compatibility with the old non-React WSGI plugin.
- Fixed display of long property values by wrapping them
- Dropped no longer needed dependency on the ``future`` library


Bug fixes

- Fixed function signature for `CustomAuth.check_credentials`.
- Fixed ReactUI authentication when Buildbot is hosted behind a reverse proxy not at url's root. (7814)
- Made Tags column in Builders page take less space when there are no tags
- Fixed cropped change author avatar image in web UI.
- Fixed pluralization of build count in build summaries in the web UI.
- The change details page no longer requires an additional mouse click to show the change details.
- Fixed showing misleading "Loading" spinner when a change has no builds.
- Fixed too small spacing in change header text in web UI.
- Fixed showing erroneous zero changes count in the web UI when loading changes.
- Cleaned up build and worker tabs in builders view in web UI.
- Fixed links to external URLs in the about pages.
- Fixed missing warnings on old browsers.
- Builds in the home page are now sorted to show the latest one first.
- Fixed loading of plugins settings (e.g. from master's `ui_default_config`)
- Improved visual separation between pending build count and build status in trigger build steps in web UI.


- Buildbot has migrated to `` container registry for storing released container images. In order to migrate to the new registry container image name in `FROM` instruction in Dockerfiles needs to be adjusted to `` or ``.
- GitHubStatusPush will now render github tokens right before the request. This allow to update the token in the configuration file without restarting the server, which is useful for Github App installations where tokens are rotated every hour.
- The list of supported browsers has been updated to Chrome >=80, Firefox >= 80, Edge >=80, Safari >= 14, Opera >=67.


- The text displayed in build links is now configurable and can use any build property. It was showing build number or branch and build number before.
- Changes and builds tables in various places in the web UI now have a button to load more items.


Bug fixes

- Fixed ``GitPoller`` when repourl has the port specified (7822)
- Fixed ``ChoiceStringParameter`` fields with ``multiple`` would not store the selected values
- Fixed unnecessary trimming of spaces in logs showed in the web UI (7774)
- Fixed favicon colors on build views in the web UI
- Fixed the icon on the about page in the web UI
- Fixed a regression where builds in waterfall view were no longer linking to the build page.
- Fixed an issue that would cause non-ui www plugins to not be configured (such as buildbot-badges) (7665)


- Buildbot will now error when configured with multiple services of the same type are configured with the same name (6987)

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