This is the last release in 2.x series. Only 2.10.y bugfix releases will follow. Upgrading existing Buildbot instances to 3.x will require an upgrade to 2.10.y first and resolving all deprecation warnings. Please see [the documentation on upgrading to 3.0](https://buildbot.readthedocs.io/en/v2.10.0/manual/upgrading/3.0-upgrade.html) for more information.
Please submit bug reports for any issues found in new functionality that replaces deprecated functionality to be removed in Buildbot 3.0. These bugs will be fixed with extra priority in 2.10.y bugfix releases.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused builds running on latent workers to become unstoppable when an attempt was made to stop them while the latent worker was being substantiated (5136).
- Fixed a bug that caused the buildmaster to be unable to restart if a latent worker was previously reconfigured during its substantiation.
- Fixed handling of very long lines in the logs during Buildbot startup (5706).
- Fixed a bug which prevented polling change sources derived from `ReconfigurablePollingChangeSource` from working correctly with `/change_hook/poller` (5727)
Improved Documentation
- Corrected the formatting for the code sample in the Docker Tutorial's Multi-master section.
- Improved the readability of the documentation by conserving horizontal space.
- Improved the introduction and concepts parts of the documentation.
- Added build summary tooltip for build bubbles in grid and console views (4733).
- Added support for custom HTTP headers to `HttpStatusPush` reporter (5398).
- Implemented `MessageFormatterFunction` that creates build report text or json by processing full build dictionary.
- Implemented `MessageFormatterRenderable` that creates build report text by rendering build properties onto a renderable.
- Implemented `BuildStartEndStatusGenerator` which ensures that a report is generated for either both build start and end events or neither of them.
- The `BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush`, `BitbucketServerStatusPush`, `BitbucketStatusPush`, `GerritVerifyStatusPush`, `GitHubStatusPush`, `GitHubCommentPush`, `GitLabStatusPush` and `HttpStatusPush` reporters now support report generators via the `generators` argument.
- Implemented support for remote submodules when cloning a Git repository.
Deprecations and Removals
- The following arguments of `BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush`, `BitbucketServerStatusPush`, `GerritVerifyStatusPush`, `GitHubStatusPush`, `GitHubCommentPush` and `GitLabStatusPush` reporters have been deprecated in favor of the list of report generators provided via the `generators` argument: `startDescription`, `endDescription`, `builders`.
- The following arguments of `BitbucketStatusPush` reporter have been deprecated in favor of the list of report generators provided via the `generators` argument: `builders`.
- The following arguments of `HttpStatusPush` reporter have been deprecated in favor of the list of report generators provided via the `generators` argument: `format_fn`, `builders`, `wantProperties`, `wantSteps`, `wantPreviousBuild`, `wantLogs`.
- `HipChatStatusPush` has been deprecated because the public version of hipchat has been shut down. This reporter will be removed in Buildbot 3.0 unless there is someone who will upgrade the reporter to the new internal APIs present in Buildbot 3.0.
- Support for passing paths to template files for rendering in message formatters has been deprecated.
- Buildbot now requires at least the version 0.13 of sqlalchemy-migrate (5669).
- The `logfile` argument of `ShellArg` has been deprecated (3771).