* argument parameter redesign
- definition of all parameters/arguments (web & local) in `argument_definitions.yaml`
- parameters not defined there will not be processed anymore (however, there are some
placeholders like e.g. `mode` or `key` which are not utilized by standard methods
and can be co-opted for custom inputs)
- plot parameters are provided as a single string to `plotPars`, with individual
parameter pairs concatenated by `::`
* in GET: `plotPars=plot_chros=8,9,17::labels=8:120000000-123000000:Some+Interesting+Region::plot_gene_symbols=MYCN,TP53,MTAP,CDKN2A,MYC,ERBB2::plot_width=800`
* in CMD: `--plotPars "plot_chros=8,9,17::labels=8:120000000-123000000:Some Interesting Region::plot_gene_symbols=MYCN,TP53,MTAP,CDKN2A,MYC,ERBB2::plot_width=800"`
* modification of the `prdbug` helper