
Latest version: v1.2.7

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* Now CatBoost uses non-owning Numpy arrays for passing c++ data to user-defined metric and loss functions in Python. This opens lot's of speedup probabilities: using those vectors in numba.jitted code, in cython code or just using numpy vector functions. Thanks micyril!

* Fix 1620 - retrieval of R pointers by david-cortes
* Fix `EvalMetricsResult.get_metric()` by Roffild
* Fix multiclass AUC calculation 1615


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CatBoost for Apache Spark
This release includes CatBoost for Apache Spark package that supports training, model application and feature evaluation on Apache Spark platform. We've prepared [CatBoost for Apache Spark introduction]( and [CatBoost for Apache Spark Architecture
]( videos for introduction. More details available at [CatBoost for Apache Spark home page](

Feature selection
CatBoost supports recursive feature elimination procedure - when you have lot's of feature candidates and you want to select only most influential features by training models and selecting only strongest by feature importance. You can look for details in our [tutorial](

New features
* Supported exact leaves estimation method for quantile, MAE and MAPE losses on GPU. You can enable it by setting leaf_estimation_method=Exact explicitly, in next releases we are planning to set it by default.
* Supported uncertainty prediction for multiclassification models
* 1568 Added support shap values calculation MultiRMSE models
* 1520 Added support for pathlib.Path in python package
* 1456 Added prehashed categorical features and text features to C API for model inference.

Losses and metrics
* Supported Huber and Tweedie losses in GPU training
* QueryAUC metric implemented by fibersel

Breaking changes
* We changed NDCG calculation principle for groups without relevant docs to make our NDCG score fully compatible with XGBoost and LightGBM implementations. Now we calc dcg==1 when there is no relevant objects in group (when ideal DCG equals zero), later we used score==0 in that case.

* With help of Intel developers team we switched our threading model implementation to Intel Threading Building Blocks. That gives us up to 20% speedup on 28 threads and around 2x speedup when training in 120 threads and largely improves scalability.
* Speed up rendering fstat plots.
* Slightly speed up string casting in python package during pool creation.

R package
* Added path expansion when saving/loading files in R by david-cortes
* Added functionality to restore R handle after deserializing model by david-cortes
* Retrieve R pointers outside loops to speed up scalar access by david-cortes
* Multiple R documentation edits from david-cortes and jameslamb
* 1588 Added precision for converting params to json

* 1525 Problem with missing exported functions in Windows R package dll
* 1315 Low CPU utilization in CPU cross-validation
* 785 Predict on single item with iloc fixed by feeeper
* Segfaults due to null pointer in pool in R package fixed by david-cortes
* 1553 Added check for baseline dimensions count in apply
* 1606 Allow to use CatBoost in AWS Lambda environment: fix bug with setting thread names
* 1609 and 1309 Print proper error message if all params in grid were invalid
* Ability to use docstrings in estimators added by pawelopiela
* Allow extra space at the end of line for libsvm format

* We would like to recognize Intel software engineering team’s contributions to Catboost project.
* Many thanks to our individual contributors: david-cortes jameslamb pawelopiela feeeper fibersel


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* Major speedup asymmetric trees training time on CPU (2x speedup on Epsilon with 16 threads). We would like to recognize Intel software engineering team’s contributions to Catboost project.

New features
* Now we publish Python 3.9 wheels. Related issues: 1491, 1509, 1510
* Allow `boost_from_average` for `MultiRMSE` loss.
* Add tag pairwise=False for sklearn compatibility. Fixes issue 1518

* Allow fstr calculation for datasets with embeddings
* Fix `feature_importances_` for fstr with texts
* Virtual ensebles fix: use proper unshrinkage coefficients
* Fixed constants in RMSEWithUnceratainty loss function calculation to correspond values from original paper
* Allow shap values calculation for model with zero-weights and non-zero leaf values. Now we use sum of leaf weights on train and current dataset to guarantee non-zero weights for leafs, reachable on current dataset. Fixes issues 1512, 1284


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New functionality
* Support fstr text features and embeddings. Issue 1293

* Fix model apply speed regression from 0.24.1 & 0.24.2
* Different fixes in embeddings support: fixed apply and model serialization, fixed apply on texts and embeddings
* Fixed virtual ensembles prediction - use proper scaling, fix apply (issue 1462)
* Fix `score()` method for `RMSEWithUncertainty` issue 1482
* Automatically use correct `prediction_type` in `score()`


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Uncertainty prediction
* Supported uncertainty prediction for classification models.
* Fixed RMSEWithUncertainty data uncertainty prediction - now it predicts variance, not standard deviation.

New functionality
* Allow categorical feature counters for `MultiRMSE` loss function.
* `group_weight` parameter added to `catboost.utils.eval_metric` method to allow passing weights for object groups. Allows correctly match weighted ranking metrics computation when group weights present.
* Faster non-owning deserialization from memory with less memory overhead - moved some dynamically computed data to model file, other data is computed in lazy manner only when needed.

Experimental functionality
* Supported embedding features as input and linear discriminant analysis for embeddings preprocessing. Try adding your embeddings as new columns with embedding values array in Pandas.Dataframe and passing corresponding column names to `Pool` constructor or `fit` function with `embedding_features=['EmbeddingFeaturesColumnName1, ...]` parameter. Another way of adding your embedding vectors is new type of column in Column Description file `NumVector` and adding semicolon separated embeddings column to your XSV file: ClassLabel\t0.1;0.2;0.3\t....

Educational materials
* Published new [tutorial]( on uncertainty prediction.

* Reduced GPU memory usage in multi GPU training when there is no need to compute categorical feature counters.
* Now CatBoost allows to specify `use_weights` for metrics when `auto_class_weights` parameter is set.
* Correctly handle NaN values in `plot_predictions` function.
* Fixed floating point precision drop releated bugs during Multiclass training with lots of objects in our case, bug was triggered while training on 25mln objects on single GPU card.
* Now `average` parameter is passed to TotalF1 metric while training on GPU.
* Added class labels checks
* Disallow feature remapping in model predict when there is empty feature names in model.


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Uncertainty prediction
Main feature of this release is total uncertainty prediction support via virtual ensembles.
You can read the theoretical background in the preprint [Uncertainty in Gradient Boosting via Ensembles]( from our research team.
We introduced new training parameter `posterior_sampling`, that allows to estimate total uncertainty.
Setting `posterior_sampling=True` implies enabling Langevin boosting, setting `model_shrink_rate` to `1/(2*N)` and setting `diffusion_temperature` to `N`, where `N` is dataset size.
CatBoost object method `virtual_ensembles_predict` splits model into `virtual_ensembles_count` submodels.
Calling `model.virtual_ensembles_predict(.., prediction_type='TotalUncertainty')` returns mean prediction, variance (and knowledge uncertrainty for models, trained with `RMSEWithUncertainty` loss function).
Calling `model.virtual_ensembles_predict(.., prediction_type='VirtEnsembles')` returns `virtual_ensembles_count` predictions of virtual submodels for each object.

New functionality
* Supported non-owning model deserialization for models with categorical feature counters
* We've done lot's of speedups for sparse data loading. For example, on bosch sparse dataset preprocessing speed got 4.5x speedup while running in 28 thread setting.
* Fixed target check for PairLogitPairwise on GPU. Issue 1217
* Supported `n_features_in_` attribute required for using CatBoost in sklearn pipelines. Issue 1363

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