New functionality
* It is possible now to train models on huge datasets that do not fit into CPU RAM.
This can be accomplished by storing only quantized data in memory (it is many times smaller). Use `catboost.utils.quantize` function to create quantized `Pool ` this way. See usage example in the issue 1116.
Implemented by noxwell.
* Python Pool class now has `save_quantization_borders` method that allows to save resulting borders into a [file]( and use it for quantization of other datasets. Quantization can be a bottleneck of training, especially on GPU. Doing quantization once for several trainings can significantly reduce running time. It is recommended for large dataset to perform quantization first, save quantization borders, use them to quantize validation dataset, and then use quantized training and validation datasets for further training.
Use saved borders when quantizing other Pools by specifying `input_borders` parameter of the `quantize` method.
Implemented by noxwell.
* Text features are supported on CPU
* It is now possible to set `border_count` > 255 for GPU training. This might be useful if you have a "golden feature", see [docs](
* Feature weights are implemented.
Specify weights for specific features by index or name like `feature_weights="FeatureName1:1.5,FeatureName2:0.5"`.
Scores for splits with this features will be multiplied by corresponding weights.
Implemented by Taube03.
* Feature penalties can be used for cost efficient gradient boosting.
Penalties are specified in a similar fashion to feature weights, using parameter `first_feature_use_penalties`.
This parameter penalized the first usage of a feature. This should be used in case if the calculation of the feature is costly.
The penalty value (or the cost of using a feature) is subtracted from scores of the splits of this feature if feature has not been used in the model.
After the feature has been used once, it is considered free to proceed using this feature, so no substruction is done.
There is also a common multiplier for all `first_feature_use_penalties`, it can be specified by `penalties_coefficient` parameter.
Implemented by Taube03 (issue 1155)
* `recordCount` attribute is added to PMML models (issue 1026).
New losses and metrics
* New ranking objective 'StochasticRank', details in [paper](
* `Tweedie` loss is supported now. It can be a good solution for right-skewed target with many zero values, see [tutorial](
When using `CatBoostRegressor.predict` function, default `prediction_type` for this loss will be equal to `Exponent`. Implemented by ilya-pchelintsev (issue 577)
* Classification metrics now support a new parameter `proba_border`. With this parameter you can set decision boundary for treating prediction as negative or positive. Implemented by ivanychev.
* Metric `TotalF1` supports a new parameter `average` with possible value `weighted`, `micro`, `macro`. Implemented by ilya-pchelintsev.
* It is possible now to specify a custom multi-label metric in python. Note that it is only possible to calculate this metric and use it as `eval_metric`. It is not possible to used it as an optimization objective.
To write a multi-label metric, you need to define a python class which inherits from `MultiLabelCustomMetric` class. Implemented by azikmsu.
Improvements of grid and randomized search
* `class_weights` parameter is now supported in grid/randomized search. Implemented by vazgenk.
* Invalid option configurations are automatically skipped during grid/randomized search. Implemented by borzunov.
* `get_best_score` returns train/validation best score after grid/randomized search (in case of refit=False). Implemented by rednevaler.
Improvements of model analysis tools
* Computation of SHAP interaction values for CatBoost models. You can pass type=EFstrType.ShapInteractionValues to `CatBoost.get_feature_importance` to get a matrix of SHAP values for every prediction.
By default, SHAP interaction values are calculated for all features. You may specify features of interest using the `interaction_indices` argument.
Implemented by IvanKozlov98.
* SHAP values can be calculated approximately now which is much faster than default mode. To use this mode specify `shap_calc_type` parameter of `CatBoost.get_feature_importance` function as `"Approximate"`. Implemented by LordProtoss (issue 1146).
* `PredictionDiff` model analysis method can now be used with models that contain non symmetric trees. Implemented by felixandrer.
New educational materials
* A [tutorial]( on tweedie regression
* A [tutorial]( on poisson regression
* A detailed [tutorial]( on different types of AUC metric, which explains how different types of AUC can be used for binary classification, multiclassification and ranking tasks.
Breaking changes
* When using `CatBoostRegressor.predict` function for models trained with `Poisson` loss, default `prediction_type` will be equal to `Exponent` (issue 1184). Implemented by garkavem.
This release also contains bug fixes and performance improvements, including a major speedup for sparse data on GPU.