Breaking changes:
- `MultiClass` loss has now the same sign as Logloss. It had the other sign before and was maximized, now it is minimized.
- `CatBoostRegressor.score` now returns the value of $R^2$ metric instead of RMSE to be more consistent with the behavior of scikit-learn regressors.
- Changed metric parameter `use_weights` default value to false (except for ranking metrics)
New features:
- It is now possible to apply model on GPU
- We have published two new realworld datasets with monotonic constraints, `catboost.datasets.monotonic1()` and `catboost.datasets.monotonic2()`. Before that there was only `california_housing` dataset in open-source with monotonic constraints. Now you can use these two to benchmark algorithms with monotonic constraints.
- We've added several new metrics to catboost, including `DCG`, `FairLoss`, `HammingLoss`, `NormalizedGini` and `FilteredNDCG`
- Introduced efficient `GridSearch` and `RandomSearch` implementations.
- `get_all_params()` Python function returns the values of all training parameters, both user-defined and default.
- Added more synonyms for training parameters to be more compatible with other GBDT libraries.
- AUC metric is computationally very expensive. We've implemented parallelized calculation of this metric, now it can be calculated on every iteration (or every k-th iteration) about 4x faster.
Educational materials:
- We've improved our command-line tutorial, now it has examples of files and more information.
- Automatic `Logloss` or `MultiClass` loss function deduction for `` now also works if the training dataset is specified as `Pool` or filename string.
- And some other fixes