:release-date: 2024-09-08
:release-by: Tomer Nosrati
Celery v5.5.0 Beta 3 is now available for testing.
Please help us test this version and report any issues.
Key Highlights
Soft Shutdown
The soft shutdown is a new mechanism in Celery that sits between the warm shutdown and the cold shutdown.
It sets a time limited "warm shutdown" period, during which the worker will continue to process tasks that are already running.
After the soft shutdown ends, the worker will initiate a graceful cold shutdown, stopping all tasks and exiting.
The soft shutdown is disabled by default, and can be enabled by setting the new configuration option :setting:`worker_soft_shutdown_timeout`.
If a worker is not running any task when the soft shutdown initiates, it will skip the warm shutdown period and proceed directly to the cold shutdown
unless the new configuration option :setting:`worker_enable_soft_shutdown_on_idle` is set to True. This is useful for workers
that are idle, waiting on ETA tasks to be executed that still want to enable the soft shutdown anyways.
The soft shutdown can replace the cold shutdown when using a broker with a visibility timeout mechanism, like :ref:`Redis <broker-redis>`
or :ref:`SQS <broker-sqs>`, to enable a more graceful cold shutdown procedure, allowing the worker enough time to re-queue tasks that were not
completed (e.g., ``Restoring 1 unacknowledged message(s)``) by resetting the visibility timeout of the unacknowledged messages just before
the worker exits completely.
After upgrading to this version, please share your feedback on the new Soft Shutdown mechanism.
Relevant Issues:
`9213 <https://github.com/celery/celery/pull/9213>`_,
`9231 <https://github.com/celery/celery/pull/9231>`_,
`9238 <https://github.com/celery/celery/pull/9238>`_
- New :ref:`documentation <worker-stopping>` for each shutdown type.
- New :setting:`worker_soft_shutdown_timeout` configuration option.
- New :setting:`worker_enable_soft_shutdown_on_idle` configuration option.
The ``REMAP_SIGTERM`` "hidden feature" has been tested, :ref:`documented <worker-REMAP_SIGTERM>` and is now officially supported.
This feature allows users to remap the SIGTERM signal to SIGQUIT, to initiate a soft or a cold shutdown using :sig:`TERM`
instead of :sig:`QUIT`.
Previous Pre-release Highlights
Pydantic Support
This release introduces support for Pydantic models in Celery tasks.
For more info, see the new pydantic example and PR `9023 <https://github.com/celery/celery/pull/9023>`_ by mathiasertl.
After upgrading to this version, please share your feedback on the new Pydantic support.
Redis Broker Stability Improvements
The root cause of the Redis broker instability issue has been `identified and resolved <https://github.com/celery/kombu/pull/2007>`_
in the v5.4.0 release of Kombu, which should resolve the disconnections bug and offer additional improvements.
After upgrading to this version, please share your feedback on the Redis broker stability.
Relevant Issues:
`7276 <https://github.com/celery/celery/discussions/7276>`_,
`8091 <https://github.com/celery/celery/discussions/8091>`_,
`8030 <https://github.com/celery/celery/discussions/8030>`_,
`8384 <https://github.com/celery/celery/discussions/8384>`_
Quorum Queues Initial Support
This release introduces the initial support for Quorum Queues with Celery.
See new configuration options for more details:
- :setting:`task_default_queue_type`
- :setting:`worker_detect_quorum_queues`
After upgrading to this version, please share your feedback on the Quorum Queues support.
Relevant Issues:
`6067 <https://github.com/celery/celery/discussions/6067>`_,
`9121 <https://github.com/celery/celery/discussions/9121>`_
What's Changed
- Added SQS (localstack) broker to canvas smoke tests (9179)
- Pin elastic-transport to <= latest version 8.15.0 (9182)
- Update elasticsearch requirement from <=8.14.0 to <=8.15.0 (9186)
- Improve formatting (9188)
- Add basic helm chart for celery (9181)
- Update kafka.rst (9194)
- Update pytest-order to 1.3.0 (9198)
- Update mypy to 1.11.2 (9206)
- All added to routes (9204)
- Fix typos discovered by codespell (9212)
- Use tzdata extras with zoneinfo backports (8286)
- Use `docker compose` in Contributing's doc build section (9219)
- Failing test for issue 9119 (9215)
- Fix date_done timezone issue (8385)
- CI Fixes to smoke tests (9223)
- Fix: passes current request context when pushing to request_stack (9208)
- Fix broken link in the Using RabbitMQ docs page (9226)
- Added Soft Shutdown Mechanism (9213)
- Added worker_enable_soft_shutdown_on_idle (9231)
- Bump cryptography from 43.0.0 to 43.0.1 (9233)
- Added docs regarding the relevancy of soft shutdown and ETA tasks (9238)
- Show broker_connection_retry_on_startup warning only if it evaluates as False (9227)
- Fixed docker-docs CI failure (9240)
- Added docker cleanup auto-fixture to improve smoke tests stability (9243)
- print is not thread-safe, so should not be used in signal handler (9222)
- Prepare for (pre) release: v5.5.0b3 (9244)
.. _version-5.5.0b2: