
Latest version: v5.4.0

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:release-date: 2013-08-16 05:30 P.M UTC
:release-by: Ask Solem

- Adds promise type: :meth:`amqp.utils.promise`

- Merges fixes from 1.0.x

.. _version-1.2.0:


:release-date: 2012-11-12 04:00 P.M UTC
:release-by: Ask Solem

- New exception hierarchy:

- :class:`~amqp.AMQPError`
- :class:`~amqp.ConnectionError`
- :class:`~amqp.RecoverableConnectionError`
- :class:`~amqp.ConsumerCancelled`
- :class:`~amqp.ConnectionForced`
- :class:`~amqp.ResourceError`
- :class:`~IrrecoverableConnectionError`
- :class:`~amqp.ChannelNotOpen`
- :class:`~amqp.FrameError`
- :class:`~amqp.FrameSyntaxError`
- :class:`~amqp.InvalidCommand`
- :class:`~amqp.InvalidPath`
- :class:`~amqp.NotAllowed`
- :class:`~amqp.UnexpectedFrame`
- :class:`~amqp.AMQPNotImplementedError`
- :class:`~amqp.InternalError`
- :class:`~amqp.ChannelError`
- :class:`~RecoverableChannelError`
- :class:`~amqp.ContentTooLarge`
- :class:`~amqp.NoConsumers`
- :class:`~amqp.ResourceLocked`
- :class:`~IrrecoverableChannelError`
- :class:`~amqp.AccessRefused`
- :class:`~amqp.NotFound`
- :class:`~amqp.PreconditionFailed`

.. _version-1.1.0:


:release-date: 2011-06-13 04:00 P.M BST
:release-by: Ask Solem

* Redis: Fixes issue introduced in 1.1.4, where a redis connection
failure could leave consumer hanging forever.

* SQS: Now supports fanout messaging by using SimpleDB to store routing

This can be disabled by setting the `supports_fanout` transport option:

>>> Connection(transport='SQS',
... transport_options={'supports_fanout': False})

* SQS: Now properly deletes a message when a message is acked.

* SQS: Can now set the Amazon AWS region, by using the ``region``
transport option.

* amqplib: Now uses `localhost` as default hostname instead of raising an

.. _version-1.1.5:


:release-date: 2011-06-07 06:00 P.M BST
:release-by: Ask Solem

* Fixes compatibility with redis-py 2.4.4.

.. _version-1.1.4:


:release-date: 2011-06-07 04:00 P.M BST
:release-by: Ask Solem

* Redis transport: Now requires redis-py version 2.4.4 or later.

* New Amazon SQS transport added.


>>> conn = Connection(transport='SQS',
... userid=aws_access_key_id,
... password=aws_secret_access_key)

The environment variables :envvar:`AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and
:envvar:`AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` are also supported.

* librabbitmq transport: Fixes default credentials support.

* amqplib transport: Now supports `login_method` for SSL auth.

:class:`Connection` now supports the `login_method`
keyword argument.

Default `login_method` is ``AMQPLAIN``.

.. _version-1.1.3:


:release-date: 2011-04-21 04:00 P.M CEST
:release-by: Ask Solem

* Redis: Consuming from multiple connections now works with Eventlet.

* Redis: Can now perform channel operations while the channel is in
BRPOP/LISTEN mode (Issue 35).

Also the async BRPOP now times out after 1 second, this means that
canceling consuming from a queue/starting consuming from additional queues
has a latency of up to one second (BRPOP does not support subsecond

* Virtual: Allow channel objects to be closed multiple times without error.

* amqplib: ``AttributeError`` has been added to the list of known
connection related errors (:attr:`Connection.connection_errors`).

* amqplib: Now converts :exc:`SSLError` timeout errors to
:exc:`socket.timeout` (http://bugs.python.org/issue10272)

* Ensures cyclic references are destroyed when the connection is closed.

.. _version-1.1.2:

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