===== :release-date: 2020-07-31 10.30 P.M UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin
- Fix buffer overflow in frame_writer after frame_max is increased. `frame_writer` allocates a `bytearray` on initialization with a length based on the `connection.frame_max` value. If `connection.frame_max` is changed to a larger value, this causes an error like `pack_into requires a buffer of at least 408736 bytes`.
.. _version-2.6.0:
===== :release-date: 20-06-01 12.00 P.M UTC+6:00 :release-by: Asif Saif Uddin
- Implement speedups in cython (311) - Updated some tests & code improvements - Separate logger for Connection.heartbeat_tick method - Cython generic content (315) - Improve documentation a_global parameter of basic_qos() method. - Fix saving partial read buffer on windows during socket timeout. (321) - Fix deserialization of long string field values that are not utf-8. - Added simple cythonization of abstract_channel.py - Speedups of serialization.py are more restrictive
.. _version-2.5.2:
====== :release-date: 2013-10-04 03:30 P.M BST :release-by: Ask Solem
- Python 3: Fixed problem with dependencies not being installed.
.. _version-2.5.15:
====== :release-date: 2013-10-04 03:30 P.M BST :release-by: Ask Solem
- Declaration cache: Now only keeps hash of declaration so that it does not keep a reference to the channel.
- Declaration cache: Now respects ``entity.can_cache_declaration`` attribute.
- Fixes Python 2.5 compatibility.
- Fixes tests after python-msgpack changes.
- ``Queue.get``: Now supports ``accept`` argument.