
Latest version: v1.15.1

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- Add rule [E8002]( to validate if resource Conditions or Fn::If conditions are defined
- Improve rule [E3002]( to validate custom resources when custom specs are addended to the resource spec using override-spec
- Allow for configuration of cfn-lint using configuration files in the project and home folder called .cfnlintrc


- Add rule [E3022]( to validate that there is only one SubnetRouteTableAssociation per subnet
- Fix rule [E2502]( to check Arn and Name for AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate resources
- Fix rule [E3016]( to remove use of Path which may not be defined in certain scenarios
- Fix base rule Class so that resource_property_types and resource_sub_property_types is initialized from on every new rule and not copied from previous rules that were initialized
- Fix conversions of transformed templates in which keys stayed as str(s) instead of str_node(s)


- Update rule [E2502]( to allow GetAtt against a nested stack or custom resource
- Update rules [E2541]( and [E2540]( to support conditions inside the CodePipeline
- Fix types in rule [E2532]( to now include InputPath and OutputPath
- Update rule [E1029]( to skip missing sub when looking at parameters in IAM policies
- Update rule [E2507]( to allow for strings in the IAM policy
- Update rule [E2507]( to allow the policy statement to be an object along with a list


- Update Specs to the versions released October 19th, 2018
- Fix rule [E2541]( to not fail on non-string values


- Created a process to patch the CloudFormation Spec and patched a bunch of issues
- Support pre-commit hooks for linting templates
- Add rule [E3021]( to that 5 or less targets are added to a CloudWatch Event
- Add rule [E1029]( to look for Sub variables that aren't inside a Sub
- Add rule [I3011]( to validate that DynamDB Tables have deletion policy specified as the default is to delete the database.
- Add support for `info` errors
- Update search_deep_keys to look for items in the Global section which is lost in a Transformation
- Clean up failures when loading files that are not yaml or json


- Support parsing multiple files from the command line
- New rule [E3016]( to validate a resources UpdatePolicy configuration
- Removes sub parameter check from rule [E1012]( The same check is covered by
- Fix rule [E1010]( when using a string not an array with Fn::Sub
- Fix rule [E3020]( ignore intrinsic functions when checking values

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