
Latest version: v1.15.1

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- Update CloudFormation Specs to July 12th, 2018
- Rule [E7012]( added to check the limits of attributes in a Mapping
- Rule [E2012]( added to check maximum size of a parameter value
- Rule [E1003]( added to check the maximum length of the template Description
- Guide created to help new users write new rules
- Catch KeyError when trying to discover the line and column number of an error
- Update Lambda rules to support dotnet core
- Fix rule [E1017]( so we unpack first element of select as a dict
- Fix rule [E1024]( to support ImportValue and appropriately checking number for the last element


- Support for Yaml C Parser when available.
- Catch rule processing errors and raise a lint error in their place.
- Add rules for the limit on Parameter, Mapping, Resource and Output names
- Add Rule [W3005]( to warn for when DependsOn is specified but not needed
- Add Rule [E2509]( to check if Security Group Descriptions are properly configured
- Add `source_url` to rules so rule reference documentation can be provided
- Fixed issues when Conditions had lists for values
- Fixed issue where underscore was allowed for AlphaNumeric names


- Try/Catch added to rule processing so code failures in rules won't crash cfn-lint
- Parse YAML files using C parser when available. Greatly speeds up YAML parsing.
- Template class updated to handle conditions where lists are in the true/false values
- Fix regex for checking Resource, Output, etc. names to not include underscore


- Update rule [E3020]( to validate A recordsets
- Require "aws-sam-translator" dependency be at least 1.6.0
- Add support for wildcards in rule [E3013]( - Support conditions in Lists for rule [E3002]( - Include filename when we run into Null and Duplicate values when parsing yaml
- Rule W2510 now allows for AllowedValues instead of just Min/MaxValue for compliance of Lambda MemorySize
- Rule [E2530]( updated to checked AllowedValues for compliance of Lambda MemorySize


- Serverless Transforms now handled by SAM libraries
- Add Rule [E2508]( Add checks for IAM
- Managed Policies attached to IAM user, group or role can't be more than 10
- An IAM user can be a member of no more than 10 groups
- There can only be 1 role in an instance profile
- AssumeRolePolicyDocument size is less than <2048 characters
- Add Rule [E1002]( Check overall template size to make sure its below
- Add Rule [E3013]( CloudFront aliases should contain valid domain names
- Add Rule [E3020]( Check if all RecordSets are correctly configured
- Strings end and start with double quotes
- Size is less than 256 characters
- Record Types are within the specification
- Short hand parameter switches and no longer need --template
- Don't report a Condition not being used if it is used by another Condition


- Fixed issues with Yaml and Json parsing for complex strings in Python 2.7
- Added eu-central-1 Availability Zones to acceptable AZ list
- Added nodejs8.10 to supported Lambda
- Added Version as an attribute for a Custom Resource
- Parseable output is now colon(:) delimited

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