* Moved continuous integration testing from TravisCI to GitHub Actions * Changed vignette format from Sweave to RMarkdown to facilitate easier testing using GitHub Actions
* Fixed as.triangle for a 'long' data set, when input data had missing values. Thanks to Dimitri Minassian for reporting this issue. * Fixed standard error estimation in MackChainLadder when tail factor > 1 and alpha = 2. Thanks to Valentin Cornaciu for reporting this issue.
* Added Berquist-Sherman Paid Claim Development Adjustment methods to adjust paid claims based on the underlying relation between paid and closed claims. * Added tests to check calendar year effect, correlation between development factors and inflation.
Thanks to Marco De Virgilis.
* Fix to as.triangle.data.frame. The labels of origin and development period were mixed up with the move away from reshape2 to aggregate in version 0.2.8. Thanks to Edward Tasker for reporting this issue.
* Fix to print statements to align them with the generic print methods. Thanks to Markus Senn * Clarified how the 'weights' argument in chainladder and MackChainLadder can be used * Removed dependency on reshape2 as it has been deprecated
* New quantile method for 'MackChainLadder' andv function QuantileIFRS17 to estimate the IFRS 17 Risk Adjustment. Thanks to Eric Dal Moro and Yuriy Krvavych