
Latest version: v0.8.24

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* Fix to print statements to align them with the generic print methods.
Thanks to Markus Senn
* Clarified how the 'weights' argument in chainladder and MackChainLadder
can be used
* Removed dependency on reshape2 as it has been deprecated


* New quantile method for 'MackChainLadder' andv function QuantileIFRS17
to estimate the IFRS 17 Risk Adjustment. Thanks to Eric Dal Moro and Yuriy


* New function 'triangle' to create a triangle from the given set of vectors
of observed data. Thanks to Vincent Goulet


* Fixed bug in Mack.S.E function when "sigma[i - 2]^2" is zero.
Thanks to Patrick Green for reporting and fixing the issue.


* Fixed meta information of NEWS vignette, so it will be shown



NEWS file

Moved NEWS file to Markdown format.

Triangles may now have non-numeric rownames

Previously it was required that the row and column names of a triangle be convertible to numeric, although that "requirement" did not always cause a problem.
For example, the following sets the rownames of GenIns to the beginning Date
of the accident year.

x <- GenIns
rownames(x) <- paste0(2001:2010, "-01-01")

A plot with the `lattice=TRUE` option, which previously would blow up,
now displays with nice headings.

plot(x, lattice=TRUE)

It can often be useful to have "origin" values that are
not necessarily convertible to numeric.
For example, suppose you have a table of claim detail at various evaluation dates.
Invariably, such a table will have a Date field holding the date of loss.
It would be nice to be able to summarize that data by accident year "cuts".
It turns out there's a builtin function in R that will get you most of the way there. It's called 'cut'.

Here we take the GenIns data in long format and
generate 50 claims per accident period.
We assign each claim a random date within the year.
The incurred (or paid) "value" given is a random perturbation of one-fiftieth of

We accumulate the detail into an accident year triangle using
ChainLadder's `as.triangle` method.
The summarized triangle displayed at the end is very similar to `GenIns`, and
has informative row labels.

x <- GenInsLong
start off y with x's headings
y <- x[0,]
names(y)[1] <- "lossdate"
n = 50 number of simulated claims per accident perior
for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
y <- rbind(y,
lossdate = as.Date(
as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(x[i, "accyear"]+2000, "-01-01"))) +
round(runif(n, 0, 364),0), origin = "1970-01-01"),
devyear = x[i, "devyear"], = rnorm(n, mean = x[i, "incurred claims"] / n,
sd = x[i, "incurred claims"]/(10*n))
here's the magic cut
y$ay <- cut(y$lossdate, breaks = "years")
this summarized triangle is very similar to GenIns
as.triangle(y, origin = "ay", dev = "devyear", value = "")

The user is encouraged to experiment with other cut's --
e.g., `breaks = "quarters"` will generate accident quarter triangles.

New as.LongTriangle function

A new function, `as.LongTriangle`, will convert a triangle
from "wide" (matrix) format to "long" (data.frame) format.
This differs from ChainLadder's method in that the
rownames and colnames of Triangle are stored as **factors**.
This feature can be particularly important when plotting a triangle
because the order of the "origin" and "dev" values is important.

Additionally, the columns of the resulting data frame
may be renamed from the default values ("origin", "dev", and "value")
using the "varnames" argument for "origin"/"dev"
and the "" argument for "value".

In the following example, the `GenIns` triangle in ChainLadder
is converted to a `data.frame` with non-default names:

GenLong <- as.LongTriangle(GenIns,
varnames = c("accident year", "development age"), = "Incurred Loss")

In the following plot,
the last accident year and the last development age are shown last,
rather than second as they would have been if displayed alphabetically
(ggplot's default for character data):

ggplot(GenLong, aes(x=`development age`, y = `Incurred Loss`,
group = `accident year`, color = `accident year`)) +

glmReserve "exposure" attribute may now have names

Previously, when an "exposure" attribute was assigned to a triangle
for use with `glmReserve`, it was assumed/expected that the user would supply the values in the same order as the accident years.
Then, behind the scenes, glmReserve would use an arithmetic formula to match
the exposure with the appropriate accident year using the numeric "origin" values
after the triangle had been converted to long format.

`glmReserve` now allows for "exposure" to have "names"
that coincide with the rownames of the triangle,
which are used to match to origin in long format.
Here is an example, newly found in `?glmReserve`.

GenIns2 <- GenIns
rownames(GenIns2) <- paste0(2001:2010, "-01-01")
expos <- (7 + 1:10 * 0.4) * 10
names(expos) <- rownames(GenIns2)
attr(GenIns2, "exposure") <- expos

glmReserve adds support for negative binomial GLM

The `glmReserve` function now supports the negative binomial GLM,
a more natural way to model over-dispersion in count data.
The model is fitted through the `glm.nb` function from the `MASS` package.

To fit the negative binomial GLM to the loss triangle,
simply set `nb = TRUE` in calling the glmReserve function:

(fit6 <- glmReserve(GenIns, nb = TRUE))

New unit tests

New files in the `/inst/unittests/` folder can be used for
future enhancements

* runit.Triangles.R for Triangles.R
* runit.glmReserve.R for glmReserve.R

Contributors of new contributions to those R files are encouraged
to utilize those runit scripts for testing,
and, of course, add other runit scripts as warrantted.

Clarified warnings issued by MackChainLadder

By default, R's `lm` method generates a warning when it detects
an "essentially perfect fit".
This can happen when one column of a triangle is identical to the previous column;
i.e., when all link ratios in a column are the same.
In the example below, the second column is a fixed constant, 1.05,
times the first column.
ChainLadder previously issued the lm warning below.

x <- matrix(byrow = TRUE, nrow = 4, ncol = 4,
dimnames = list(origin = LETTERS[1:4], dev = 1:4),
data = c(
100, 105, 106, 106.5,
200, 210, 211, NA,
300, 315, NA, NA,
400, NA, NA, NA)
mcl <- MackChainLadder(x, est.sigma = "Mack")

Warning messages:
1: In summary.lm(x) : essentially perfect fit: summary may be unreliable
2: In summary.lm(x) : essentially perfect fit: summary may be unreliable
3: In summary.lm(x) : essentially perfect fit: summary may be unreliable

which may have raised a concern with the user when none was warranted.

Now ChainLadder issues an "informational warning":

x <- matrix(byrow = TRUE, nrow = 4, ncol = 4,
dimnames = list(origin = LETTERS[1:4], dev = 1:4),
data = c(
100, 105, 106, 106.5,
200, 210, 211, NA,
300, 315, NA, NA,
400, NA, NA, NA)

mcl <- MackChainLadder(x, est.sigma = "Mack")

Bug fixes

Fixed tail extrapolation

Fixed tail extrapolation in Vignette.
(Thanks to Mark Lee.)

* Fixed summary calls.
* Updated documentation for weights parameter of chainladder method.
* Fixes for tail extrapolation in Vignette and Chainladder
1) The calculation for the tail log-linear extrapolation given in
the vignette had a minor error. This has been corrected,
and the result now agrees with the results of
MackChainLadder(RAA, tail=TRUE).
2) The calculation of the tail using the log-linear extrapolation
in ChainLadder.R had a potential error - when clratios has
values of less than unity they are dropped, but the extrapolation
was started from a quantity indexed by the length of f, not
the value of fn. This changes the results if clratios has a
pattern like e.,g.: ... 1.1, 0.98,1.01,0.005 (i.e. a link ratio
less than unity which is not the last value)
3) Minor fix to the comments in ChainLadder.R and MackChainLadder.R,
fixing notation for alpha which is now consistent with the
documentation and Mack's original paper.

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