New Features
* New function 'BootChainLadder', based on papers by England and Verrall,
and Barnett and Zehnwirth
* 'MackChainLadder' and 'MunichChainLadder' allow for tail factors
* 'MackChainLadder' estimates the overall standard error for the total IBNR
* New arguments 'tail' and 'est.sigma' for MackChainLadder, to control
the tail factor and the estimation of sigma_{n-1}
* New arguments 'tailP', 'tailI' and 'est.sigmaP', 'est.sigmaI' for
'MunichChainLadder', which are passed on to 'MackChainLadder' to control
the tail factor and the estimation of sigma_{n-1} for the Paid and
Incurred triangle
* 'Mack-, 'Munich-, and 'BootChainLadder' accept (mxn) matrices with m>=n,
e.g more accident years than development years
* New example data sets: 'ABC' (annual run-off triangle of a worker's
compensation portfolio of a large company), 'qpaid', 'qincurred' ('made-up'
data of a quarterly development triangle of annual origin period)
* Triangles with higher development period frequency (e.g quarterly) than
origin period frequency (e.g annual) can be used after being 'blown-up'
to a common period frequency, see the help of 'qpaid'
* 'Mack-, 'Munich- and 'BootChainLadder' accept 'blown-up' triangles of
higher development period frequency than origin period frequency filled
with 'NA', see the help of 'qpaid'
User-visible changes
* summary functions for 'Mack-, 'Munich-, 'BootChainLadder' give all a list
back with two elements: 'ByOrigin' and 'Totals'
* Change of labels: origin years -> origin period and development years ->
development origin
* Coefficient of Variation is abbreviate with 'CV' instead of 'CoV'
* The example spreadsheet 'ChainLadder_in_Excel.xls' has new examples,
including 'BootChainLadder'
* New greeting message after the R-call 'library(ChainLadder)'
* Improved documentation
Bug fixes
* 'MunichChainLadder': calculation of 'lambdaP' and 'lambdI' was incorrect.
Thanks to Beat Huggler for reporting this issue.