
Latest version: v0.2.9

Safety actively analyzes 688823 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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:book: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update contribute topic in readme file. (_2024-12-12_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.11.0 to 1.12.2 (_2024-12-01_)
- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 (_2024-12-01_)
- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.10.2 to 1.11.0 (_2024-11-01_)
- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.10.0 to 1.10.2 (_2024-10-01_)

:bug: Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: fix pre-commit config syntax for version 4.0.0. (_2024-10-08_)


:tada: Features

- :dart: feat: commit message change add support for merge. (_2024-09-20_)

:book: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update readme docs that sync cli docs from package. (_2024-09-19_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: remove unuse cli command in version. (_2024-09-20_)
- :construction: refactored: remove log and init cli command. (_2024-09-19_)

:postbox: Dependencies

- :pushpin: deps: remove tomli package from this project and use build-in instead. (_2024-09-20_)


:tada: Features

- :dart: feat: add emojis args on the emoji module for dynamic passing emoji data. (_2024-09-19_)
- :dart: feat: add get git local config function. (_2024-09-19_)

:book: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update doc-string on cli command. (_2024-09-19_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: remove df and pf cli command. (_2024-09-19_)
- :construction: refactored: remove bn and tg cli command. (_2024-09-19_)

:bug: Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: update id on python setup step. (_2024-09-17_)

:package: Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: add python version 3.13 on pre-commit workflow. (_2024-09-17_)


:book: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update readme and add noted on version cli. (_2024-09-17_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump more-itertools from 10.4.0 to 10.5.0 (_2024-09-09_)

:bug: Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: add option include-hidden-files on coverage workflow. (_2024-09-02_)

:package: Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: add test matrix for python version 3.13. (_2024-09-17_)
- :toolbox: build: add debug command on coverage workflow. (_2024-09-02_)


:book: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update readme file. (_2024-09-02_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 (_2024-09-01_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump more-itertools from 10.3.0 to 10.4.0 (_2024-08-12_)
- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.14 to 1.9.0 (_2024-07-01_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump more-itertools from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0 (_2024-06-17_)

:bug: Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: add try-except for cove command. (_2024-06-09_)
- :gear: fixed: remove print statement. (_2024-05-05_)


:bug: Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: remove dynamic tag from __about__ to fix value. (_2024-05-04_)

:package: Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: chnage url for testpypi publish workflow. (_2024-05-04_)
- :toolbox: build: add tags regex for coverage workflow. (_2024-05-03_)
- :toolbox: build: add request package on coverage workflow. (_2024-05-03_)

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