
Latest version: v0.2.9

Safety actively analyzes 688844 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- :dart: feat: add dep common command for generate dependencies. (_2023-12-15_)
- :dart: feat: add command mg for merge with strategy. (_2023-12-15_)
- :dart: feat: add get_version method on BumpVerConf. (_2023-12-15_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.10 to 1.8.11 (_2023-12-01_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump mypy from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 (_2023-11-27_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump mypy from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0 (_2023-11-13_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 update pytest requirement from <8.0.0,==7.4.2 to ==7.4.3 (_2023-10-30_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump mypy from 1.5.1 to 1.6.1 (_2023-10-23_)
- :construction: refactored: change logic of writer_changelog function. (_2023-10-22_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: update README for a new git command. (_2023-12-15_)

Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: add regex key when generate bump2version config file. (_2023-12-15_)

Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: change frequency of dependabot from weekly to monthly. (_2023-11-22_)



- :dart: feat: add write all changelog option for re-write all logs to new file. (_2023-10-17_)
- :dart: feat: add tag from version cli for create git tag by __about__. (_2023-10-06_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: change the name of cli commands. (_2023-10-17_)
- :construction: refactored: change value on BumpVerConf obj in setting file. (_2023-10-16_)
- :construction: refactored: change print function to click.echo that recommend by click. (_2023-10-16_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump mypy from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 (13) (_2023-10-16_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump pre-commit from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 (_2023-10-16_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump coverage[toml] from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2 (_2023-10-09_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: update doc-string on bump command. (_2023-10-17_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update API commands on README file. (_2023-10-17_)



- :dart: feat: add git cmd for sync deleted tag from remote. (_2023-10-06_)
- :dart: feat: add init-conf Git command for set name and email on local. (_2023-09-14_)

Code Changes

- :bookmark: Bump up to version 0.0.3 -> 0.0.4. (_2023-10-06_)
- :test_tube: test: update test-case for git cli. (_2023-10-06_)
- :construction: refactored: change test-case name and improve perf in git. (_2023-10-06_)
- :construction: refactored: add detail syntax for git commands. (_2023-09-26_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: update feature on README. (_2023-10-06_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: add comment statement on cli command. (_2023-10-06_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: add doc-string and license message. (_2023-10-02_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update CONTRIBUTING file for revise name and email in git. (_2023-09-14_)

Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: add value for the Level enum before return. (_2023-10-06_)
- :gear: fixed: change make_color function that handle value of Enum. (_2023-10-06_)



- :dart: feat: add CONTRIBUTING file to this project. (_2023-09-12_)
- :dart: feat: add CONTRIBUTING file to this project. (_2023-09-12_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactor: [] auto fixes from hooks (_2023-09-12_)
- :construction: refactor: [] pre-commit autoupdate (_2023-09-12_)
- :test_tube: test: add test case for git cli. (_2023-09-09_)
- :test_tube: test: add test case for git cli. (_2023-09-09_)
- :construction: refactor: ⬆ bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (_2023-09-08_)
- :test_tube: test: add parameter for pre-commit ci workflow. (_2023-09-08_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: edit README file and add more information of this project. (_2023-09-12_)

Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: add skip pytest from local repo of pre-commit config. (_2023-09-12_)
- :toolbox: build: add pip ecosystem in dependabot. (_2023-09-08_)
- :package: build: create dependabot.yml (_2023-09-08_)



- :page_facing_up: docs: update README and deps package on pyproject. (_2023-09-08_)

Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: change install deps package GitHub workflow. (_2023-09-08_)



- :dart: feat: first initial the main code to this repo. (_2023-09-08_)

Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: change version of initial stage to 0.0.0. (_2023-09-08_)
- :construction: refactor: Initial commit (_2023-09-08_)


- :page_facing_up: docs: edit name in README file and remove un-use deps package. (_2023-09-08_)

Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: add GitHub workflows for test and publish. (_2023-09-08_)

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