
Latest version: v0.2.9

Safety actively analyzes 688867 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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:book: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update readme file that remove help command. (_2024-05-03_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update description of this project for pypi. (_2024-05-02_)

:package: Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: add gitignore for pdm and add requests package on test workflow. (_2024-05-03_)


:book: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update readme for add more detail. (_2024-05-02_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: remove optional dependencies that does not necessary. (_2024-05-02_)

:package: Build & Workflow

- :toolbox: build: change build backend package from hatch to pdm. (_2024-05-02_)
- :toolbox: build: add environment on publish workflow. (_2024-05-02_)
- :toolbox: build: change timezone of dependabot. (_2024-05-02_)


:tada: Features

- :dart: feat: add commit_prefix_force_fix config key for support force receive commit msg. (_2024-04-29_)

:book: Documents

- :page_facing_up: docs: update mini-roadmap on README file. (_2024-04-25_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: add comment for profiling command raise error when does not set git config. (_2024-04-17_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update README file for noted about migration roadmap. (_2024-04-14_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update contributing and readme docs. (_2024-03-04_)
- :page_facing_up: docs: update README file. (_2024-03-03_)

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump mypy from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 (_2024-04-29_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump pytest from 8.1.1 to 8.2.0 (66) (_2024-04-29_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump coverage[toml] from 7.4.4 to 7.5.0 (_2024-04-29_)
- :construction: refactored: ⬆ bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.12 to 1.8.14 (_2024-04-01_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump coverage[toml] from 7.4.3 to 7.4.4 (_2024-03-18_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump pytest from 8.1.0 to 8.1.1 (_2024-03-11_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump mypy from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 (_2024-03-11_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump pytest from 8.0.2 to 8.1.0 (_2024-03-04_)


> This version start support python version >= 3.9.13

:black_nib: Code Changes

- :construction: refactored: upgrade python version from 38 to 39. (_2024-03-03_)
- :construction: refactored: 📦 bump pytest from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 (_2024-02-26_)


> [!NOTE]
> This version combine fixed code from v0.1.9 post releases.


:bug: Fix Bugs

- :gear: fixed: add path param on download-artifact. (_2024-03-03_)

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