* Always print `GT` first (if present) in VCF line * auto deploy releases to pypi
* bug fix combination explosion when clustering * tidied up code (ran black, remove pyflakes warnings) * bug fix: clustering was not allowing POS<=1 in VCF files. Changed it so constructor does not allow POS<1 in the first place.
Changes VcfRecord.FILTER to be a set of strings, instead of a single string, thus allowing better support for the FILTER column
Add support for multi-word fasta references. Vcf record matching to the fasta reference no longer fails for multi-word fasta headers.
Fixed bug when clustering without allele combinations. There could be the same allele sequence in the list of ALTs more than once. Duplicates are now only output once.
Removes VCF records where the REF column does not match the reference genome.