
Latest version: v4.3.5

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- (template): Update input template according to JET.
- (core): Update copyright.
- (core): Update copyright.
- (excel): Enable input dictionary merging.
- (schema): Add `has_capped_velocity` and `maximum_velocity_range`
- (models): Speedup model creation.
- (core): Update model according to cars-data database.
- (excel): Drop precondition stage.
- (excel): Add `WLTP-M` cycle.
- (schema): Add `maximum_velocity`, `capped_velocity`, and
`vehicle_mass_running_order` params.
- (excel): Add parser for `matrix` sheets.
- (core): Modify input file according to new DICE4.
- (engine): Implement temperature time-shift.
- (thermal): Add `after_treatment_warm_up_phases` to calibrate the
thermal model.
- (fc): Replace tau function with `after_treatment_warm_up_phases`.
- (load): Use `xlref` instead of `pandalone`.
- (load): Improve schema parser performances.
- (hybrid): Add feature to plot the `FuelMapModel` and replace
`matplotlib` with `plotly`.
- (vehicle): Filter out close elevation points.
- (vehicle): Add formula to identify vehicle road loads and vehicle
- (clutch_tc): Add formulas to calculate `wheel_powers` from
- (clutch_tc): Add formulas to calculate `gear_box_powers_in` from
- (engine): Add formulas to calculate `clutch_tc_powers` from
- (docker): Add script to extract the exe distribution.
- (gear_box): Add alternative `engine_thermostat_temperature`
identification when missing `gear_box_powers_out`.
- (gear_box): Add alternative `gears` identification when missing
- (utils): Add `pairwise` function.
- (report): Add all vehicle summary info to augmented summary.
- (co2): Add scalar values to outputs for phases_co2_emissions.
- (report): Remove `numpy` warnings when comparing outputs vs targets.
- (summary): Add all comparisons in the augmented summary.
- (model): Add default to configure WLTP selection data.
- (selector): Add default to use all wltp input data as target in
- (selector): Add default to modify selector strategy.

- (excel): Update dice parameter parser.
- (schema): Remove unused functions.
- (excel): Add function to calculate vehicle mass from test mass.
- (excel): Remove `xgboost` warning.
- (schema): Correct schema error on error formatting.
- (excel): Remove `openpyxl` and `xgboost` warning.
- (excel): Ensure correct excel parsing of matrix tables.
- (load): Ensure excel reading specifying the engine.
- (cli): Correct typo.
- (excel): Rename `.wet.ta` file extension to `.jet.ta`.
- (excel): Ensure remote reading using xlref.
- (rtd): Correct documentation rendering in `rtd`.
- (excel): Update parser according to new `xlref`.
- (schema): Add pax into validation schema.
- (load): Add new file extension `.wet.ta`.
- (load): Correct parser for gear box ratios.
- (engine): Correct wrong link to calculate `full_load_speeds`.
- (engine): Disable `idle_model_detector` in case of hybrids.
- (hybrid): Add simple fc calibration model for hybrids to bypass
- (excel): Correct Ref class.
- (demos): Correct missing data in simplan.
- (co2): Correct wrong function name.
- (gear_box): Correct missing formula.
- (physical): Remove warnings.
- (final_drive) :gh:`571`: Correct calculation of final drive powers.
- (batteries) :gh:`570`: Implement constant model (i.e. r0 = 0).
- (templates): Remove unused hidden dice report.
- (cli): Correct logging level.
- (hybrid): Correct calculation of engine power losses when speed is
- (gear_box): Correct gears identification for hybrid.
- (templates) :gh:`567`: Correct typo in NEDC-L cell.
- (gear_box): Correct bug when `motive_powers is None`.
- (ta): Correct early closure of input file.
- (gear_box): Restructure loss model and correct thermal calculation.
- (gear_box): Improve performance of
`calculate_gear_box_efficiencies_torques_temperatures` function.
- (docker): Updater pyinstaller version to 3.6.
- (docker): Correct requirements.
- (plot): Remove page caching from dsp plot.
- (fc): Correct calculation order for extended phases.
- (docker): Correct build script.
- (setup): Remove wtlp limitation dependency that brakes the setup.
- (physical): Remove syntax error warning.
- (write): Use `get_node` instead `search_node_description`.
- (cli) :gh:`564`: Correct bug of `co2mpas sync template` cli.
- (core): Avoid numpy when import just co2mpas.
- (schema): Improve float parser.
- (doc): Add glossary links for `Time Series` and `General Terms`.
- (doc): Add iframe with interactive model graph.
- (doc): Add missing sub-model doc.
- (doc): Correct `extract_calibrated_model` link.
- (faq): FAQ link corrected.
- (faq): Updated where to download.
- (doc): Description of `has_periodically_regenerating_systems`
according to 2017/1151.
- (doc) :gh:`563`: Change to name, surname of the team members.
- (docs): executable name.

- Update copyright.


- (optimization) :gh:`561`: Use float32 for fmin error function.


- (excel): Correct parser for all-l.
- (schema): Correct error message for input file version.
- (template): Correct wrong cell reference.
- (setup): Fixed link setup.


|co2mpas| project has been split into multiple repositories (:gh:`506`). The
`current <>`_ repository contains just
|co2mpas| model. The other functionalities are installed as extra (i.e.,
`DICE <>`_,
`GUI <>`_,
`sync <>`_).

Important changes:
The main changes made in this release regards:

A new graphical user interface (`GUI <>`_)
has replaced the previous one.

All documentation has been reviewed and updated (:gh:`533`, :gh:`540`). There
are two new sections: FAQ, and Contributing to |co2mpas|. The documentation is
now stored in Read the Docs (see the `site <>`_).

I/O Data & Demo
The input excel file has been updated to version 3.1.0. (:gh:`544`), as per the
2019 amendments to Regulations (EU) 2017/1152 and 2017/1153.

The demo files have been reviewed and now four files are available
(:gh:`544`, :gh:`538`):

1. *co2mpas_conventional.xlsx*: conventional vehicle,
2. *co2mpas_simplan.xlsx*: sample simulation plan,
3. *co2mpas_hybrid.xlsx*: hybrid parallel vehicle.
4. *co2mpas_plugin.xlsx*: hybrid plugin vehicle.

- Implemented Hybrids Electric Model for parallel, planetary, and serial
architectures (:gh:`516`, :gh:`536`, :gh:`540`, :gh:`541`). It consists of
nine electric motors (i.e., P0, P1, P2 planetary, P2, P3 front, P3 rear,
P4 front, P4 rear, and starter), one DC/DC converter, and two batteries
(i.e., service and drive batteries).
- Improved the stability of the thermal model (:gh:`458`, :gh:`498`, :gh:`516`),
the gearbox identification (:gh:`551`) and the alternator model.
- Corrected the calibration of the Start/Stop model (:gh:`512`).
- Updated the torque converter model according to VDI253 standard (:gh:`515`).
- Refined the cylinder deactivation model (:gh:`517`).
- Implemented parser for PAX tyre code (:gh:`507`).
- Added formulas to calculate the corrected |co2| emissions according to WLTP
and NEDC regulations (:gh:`539`).

Known Limitations
1. Certain programs (for example Skype) could be pre-empting (or reserving)
some tcp/ip ports and therefore could conflict with |co2mpas| graphical
interface that tries to launch a web server on a port in the higher range
(> 10000).
2. Certain antivirus (for example Avast) could include python in the list of
malicious software; however, this is not to be considered harmful. If this
happens the antivirus should be disabled when running |co2mpas|, or a special
exclusion should be granted to the |co2mpas| executable.
3. If |co2mpas| is installed in Windows 7 without ServicePack-1, you will get an
error like the following::

Error loading Python DLL 'C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEI60402\python36.dll'.
LoadLibrary: The specified procedure could not be found.
Error loading Python DLL 'C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEI59722\python36.dll'.
LoadLibrary: The specified procedure could not be found.
Delete file: C:\apps\co2mpas\pkgs\env.txt
Output folder: C:\apps\co2mpas\conda-meta
Extract: history
Creating CO2MPAS menus...
Error loading Python DLL 'C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\_MEI51722\python36.dll'.
LoadLibrary: The specified procedure could not be found.
Execute: "C:\apps\co2mpas\pythonw.exe" -E -s "C:\apps\co2mpas\Lib\" mkdirs
Running post install...
Execute: "C:\apps\co2mpas\pythonw.exe" -E -s "C:\apps\co2mpas\Lib\" post_install
Created uninstaller: C:\apps\co2mpas\Uninstall-CO2MPAS.exe

4. If you use Internet Explorer version 9 or earlier, you might experience some
problems (i.e., impossible to choose the input file for the synchronisation,



|co2mpas| 3.0.X becomes official on February 1st, 2019.

- There will be an overlapping period with the previous official |co2mpas| version
**2.0.0** of 2 weeks (until February 15th).
- This release incorporates the amendments of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1153,
`2018/2043 <>`_
of 18 December 2018 to the Type Approval procedure along with few fixes on the
- The engineering-model is 100% the same with the


and the version-bump (2.X.X --> 3.X.X) is just facilitation for the users,
to recognize which release is suitable for the amended Correlation Regulations.
- The Type Approval mode (_TA_) of this release is **incompatible** with all
previous Input File versions. The _Batch_ mode, for engineering purposes,
remains compatible.
- the _TA_ mode of this release generates a single "_.zip_" output that contains
all files used and generated by |co2mpas|.
- This release is comprised of 4 python packages:
`co2sim <>`_,
`co2dice <>`_,
`co2gui <>`_, and
`co2mpas <>`_.

This release will not be distributed as an **AllInOne** (AIO) package. It is
based on the `2.0.0, 31-Aug-2018: "Unleash" Release
<>`_, launched
on 1 September 2018. There are two options for installation:

1. Install it in your current working `AIO-v2.0.0`_.
2. **Preferably** in a clean `AIO-v2.0.0`_,
to have the possibility to use the old |co2mpas|-v2.0.0 + DICE2 for the
two-week overlapping period;

.. _AIO-v2.0.0:

- To install:
pip uninstall co2sim co2dice co2gui co2mpas -y
pip install co2mpas

.. note::
If you want to install this specific version at a later date, after more
releases have happened, use this command:
pip install co2mpas==3.0.0

Important Changes

No model changes.

IO Data
- Input-file version from 3.0.0 --> **3.0.1**.
- It hosts a few modifications after interactions with users.
- The input file contained in this release cannot run in older |co2mpas|
releases in the _TA_ mode.

- The old DICE2 is deprecated, and must not be used after the 15th of February,
- it is replaced by the centralized DICE3 server. There will be a new procedure
to configure the keys to _sign_ and _encrypt_ the data.

Demo Files
- The input-file changed, and we have prepared new demo files to help the users
adjust. Since we do not distribute an **AllInOne** package, you may download
the new files:

- from the console:
co2mpas demo --download

- From this `link <>`_

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