- Dice & model fine-tuning.
- Includes changes also from **RETRACTED** ``v1.6.1.post0``, 13 July 2017,
"T-bone" release.
- feat(config): stop accepting test-key (``'CBBB52FF'``); you would receive this
error message::
After July 27 2017 you cannot use test-key for official runs!
Generate a new key, and remember to re-encrypt your passwords with it.
If you still want to run an experiment, add `--GpgSpec.allow_test_key=True`
command-line option.
You have to modify your configurations and set ``GpgSpec.master_key`` to your
newly-generated key, and **re-encrypt your passowords in persist file.**
- feat(config): dice commands would complain if config-file(s) missing; remember to
transfer your configurations from your old AIO (with all changes needed).
- feat(AIO): prepare for installing AIO in *multi-user/shared* environments;
the important environment variable is ``HOME`` (read ``[AIO]/.co2mpad_env.bat``
file and run ``co2dice config paths`` command). Enhanced ``Cmd.config_paths``
parameter to properly work with *persistent* JSON file even if a list of
"overlayed" files/folders is given.
- feat(config): enhance ``co2dice config (desc | show | paths)`` commands
to provide help-text and configured values for specific classes & params
and all interesting variables affecting configurations.
(alternatives to the much coarser ``--help`` and ``--help-all`` options).
- Tstamping & networking:
- feat(:gh:`382`): enhance handling of email encodings on send/recv:
- add configurations choices for *Content-Transfer-Enconding* when sending
non-ASCII emails or working with Outlook (usually `'=0A=0D=0E'` chars
scattered in the email); read help on those parameters, with this command::
co2dice config desc transfer_enc quote_printable
- add ``TstampSender.scramble_tag`` & ``TstampReceiver.un_quote_printable``
options for dealing with non-ASCII dice-reports.
- ``(t)recv`` cmds: add ``--subject``, ``--on`` and ``--wait-criteria`` options for
search criteria on the ``tstamp recv`` and ``project trecv`` subcmds;
- ``(t)recv`` cmds: renamed ``email_criteria-->rfc-criteria``, enhancing their
syntax help;
- ``(t)parse`` can guess if a "naked" dice-reports tags is given
(specify ``--tag`` to be explicit).
- ``(t)recv`` cmd: added ``--page`` option to download a "slice" of from the server.
- improve ``(t)parse`` command's ``dice`` printout to include project/issuer/dates.
- ``(t)recv``: BCC-addresses were treated as CCs; ``--raw`` STDOUT was corrupted;
emails received
- feat(report): print out the key used to sign dice-report.
- Projects:
- feat(project): store tstamp-email verbatim, and sign 2nd HASH report.
- refact(git): compatible-bump of dice-report format-version: ``1.0.0-->1.0.1``.
- feat(log): possible to modify selectively logging output with
``~/logconf.yaml`` file; generally improve error handling and logging of
- ``co2dice project export``:
- fix(:ghp:`18`): fix command not to include dices from all projects.
- feat(:gh:`423`, :gh:`435`): add ``--out`` option to set the out-fpath
of the archive, and the ``--erase-afterwards`` to facilitate starting a
.. Note::
Do not (ab)use ``project export --erase-afterwards`` on diced projects.
- ``co2dice project open``: auto-deduce project to open if only one exists.
- ``co2dice project backup``: add ``--erase-afterwards`` option.
Known Limitations
- Microsoft Outlook Servers are known to corrupt the dice-emails; depending
on the version and the configurations, most of the times they can be fixed.
If not, as a last resort, another email-account may be used.
A permanent solution to the problem is will be provided when the
the *Exchange Web Services (EWS)* protocol is implemented in *|co2mpas|*.
- On *Yahoo* servers, the ``TstampReceiver.subject_prefix`` param must not
contain any brackets (``[]``). The are included by default, so you have to
modify that in your configs.
- Using GMail accounts to send Dice may not(!) receive the reply-back "Proof of
Posting" reply (or it may delay up to days). Please perform tests to discover that,
and use another email-provided if that's the case.
Additionally, Google's security provisions for some countries may be too
strict to allow SMTP/IMAP access. In all cases, you need to enable allow
`less secure apps <https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255>`_ to
access your account.
- Some combinations of outbound & inbound accounts for dice reports and timsestamps
may not work due to `DMARC restrictions <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMARC>`_.
JRC will offer more alternative "paths" for running Dices. All major providers
(Google, Yahoo, Microsoft) will not allow your dice-report to be stamped and forwarded
to ``TstampSender.stamp_recipients`` other than the Comission; you may (or may not)
receive "bounce" emails explaining that.
- There is no high level command to view the stamp for some project;
Assuming your project is in ``sample`` or ``nosample`` state, use this cmd::
cat %HOME%/.co2dice/repo/tstamp.txt
- The decision-number generated never includes the numbers 10, 20, ...90.
This does not change the odds for ``SAMPLE``/``NOSAMPLE`` but it does affect
the odds for double-testing *Low* vs *High* vehicles (4 vs 5).
- :gh:`390`: Datasync was producing 0 values in the first and/or in the last
cells. This has been fixed extending the given signal with the first and last
- :gh:`424`: remove buggy interpolation methods.
- :git:`d21b665`, :git:`5f8f58b`, :git:`33538be`: Speedup the model avoiding
useless identifications during the prediction phase.
Vehicle model
- :git:`d90c697`: Add road loads calculation from vehicle and tyre category.
- :git:`952f16b`: Update the `rolling_resistance_coeff` according to table A4/1
of EU legislation not world wide.
- :git:`952f16b`: Add function to calculate `aerodynamic_drag_coefficient` from
Thermal model
- :gh:`169`: Add a filter to remove invalid temperature derivatives (i.e.,
`abs(DT) >= 0.7`) during the cold phase.
Clutch model
- :gh:`330`: Some extra RPM (peaks) has been verified before the engine's stops.
This problem has been resolved filtering out `clutch_delta > 0` when `acc < 0`
and adding a `features selection` in the calibration of the model.
Engine model
- :git:`4c07751`: The `auxiliaries_torque_losses` are function of
CO2 model
- :gh:`350`: Complete fuel default characteristics (LHV, Carbon Content, and
- :git:`2e890f0`: Fix of the bug in `tau_function` when a hot cycle is given.
- :gh:`399`: Implement a fuzzy rescaling function to improve the
stability of the model when rounding the WLTP bag values.
- :gh:`401`: Set co2_params limits to avoid unfeasible results.
- :gh:`402`: Rewrite of `calibrate_co2_params` function.
- :gh:`391`, :gh:`403`: Use the `identified_co2_params` as initial guess of the
`calibrate_co2_params`. Update co2 optimizer enabling all steps in the
identification and disabling the first two steps in the calibration. Optimize
the parameters that define the gearbox, torque, and power losses.
IO & Data:
- fix(xlsx, :gh:`426`): excel validation formulas on input-template & demos did
not accept *vehicle-family-id* with single-digit TA-ids.
- :gh:`314`, gh:`410`: MOVED MOST DEMO-FILES to AIO archive - 2 files are left.
Updated ``|co2mpas| demo`` command to use them if found; add ``--download``
option to get the very latest from Internet.
- main: rename logging option ``--quite`` --> ``--quiet``.
- :gh:`380`: Add cycle scores to output template.
- :gh:`391`: Add model scores to summary file.
- :gh:`399`: Report `co2_rescaling_scores` to output and summary files.
- :gh:`407`: Disable input-file caching by default (renamed option
``--override-cache --> use-cache``.
Known Limitations
- The ``co2mpas modelgraph`` command cannot plot flow-diagrams if Internet
Explorer (IE) is the default browser.
- feat: ``co2gui`` command does not block, and stores logs in temporary-file.
It launches this file in a text-editor in case of failures.
- feat: remember position and size between launches (stored in *persistent* JSON
- Detect 32bit Windows early, and notify user with an error-popup.
- Possible to extract archive into path with SPACES (not recommended though).
- Switched from Cygwin-->MSYS2 for the POSIX layer, for better support in
Windows paths, and `pacman` update manager.
Size increased from ~350MB --> ~530MB.
- feat(install): reimplement cygwin's `mkshortcut.exe` in VBScript.
- fix(git): use `cygpath.exe` to convert Windows paths and respect
mount-points (see `GitPython639
- Use ``[AIO]`` to signify the ALLINONE base-folder in the documentation; use it
in |co2mpas| to suppress excessive development warnings.
.. |co2mpas| replace:: CO\ :sub:`2`\ MPAS
.. |co2| replace:: CO\ :sub:`2`