- DROP: make ``co2deps`` pinning-versions project disappear into the void,
from where it came from, last milestone.
Adding a moribund co2-project into PyPi (until `pip bug pypa/pip3878
<https://github.com/pypa/pip#3878>`_ gets fixed) is a waste of effort.
- ENH: extracted ``plot`` extras from ``co2sim`` dependencies.
Significant work on all project dependencies (:gh:`408`, :gh:`427` & :gh:`463`).
Coupled with the new ``wltp-0.1.0a3`` & ``pandalone-0.2.4.post1`` releases,
now it is possible to use |co2mpas|-simulator with narrowed-down dependencies
(see docker-image size reduction, above).
- REFACT: separated DICE from SIM subprojects until really necessary
(e.g. when extracting data from appended files). Some code-repetition needed,
started moving utilities from ``__main__.py`` into own util-modules, at least
for `co2dice`.
- ENH: update alpine-GCC in *docker* with recent instructions,and eventually
used the debian image, which ends up the same size with less fuzz.
Docker-image `co2sim` wheel is now created *outside of docker* with
its proper version-id of visible; paths updated, scripts enhanced,
files documented.
- ENH: `setup.py` does not prevent from running in old Python versions
(e.g to build *wheels* in Py-2, also in :gh:`408`).
- feat: dice-report encryption supports multiple recipients.
- feat: gui re-reads configurations on each DICE-button click.
- chore: add *GNU Makefiles* for rudimentary support to clean, build and
maintain the new sub-projectrs.