* new `rhy_f0/en` features from DCT spectrum: * Number of peaks in absolute DCT spectrum (n peak) * corresponding frequency for coefficient with amplitude maximum (f max) * frequency difference for each selected prosodic event rate to f max (dgm) and to the nearest peak (dlm). * new config parameter peak_prct for DCT peak candidates * bugfix: `styl.register == 'none'` now works with `navigate.do_clst_loc`
* new features: mean values for base-, mid-, topline, and range (`bl_m, ml_m, tl_m, rng_m`) * bugfix in `copasul.py` at call of `coin.copa_opt_init()` (bug since version `0.6.1`)
* more robust processing of TextGrids with empty tiers
* summary output added: mean and variation measures for all extracted features (unigram entropy for contour classes) per file
* bugfix: annotation augmentation now works also from scratch, i.e. without pre-given annotation files
* bugfix in spectral moment calculation in `sigFunc.py:specmom()`