
Latest version: v1.5.3

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* update: `` restructured: all functions now included as methods in `Copasul` class.
* update: `copasul_init.copa_opt_init()`
* path names standardized to respective platform (so that provided minimal example should run on MS Windows without manual update of the config file)
* if config input is a string (name of json file), relative paths in this file are expanded relative to its location
* update: directory structure changed for packaging
* as a consequence `` cannot be run anymore on the command line. See `scripts/` for a command line script
* `copasul` now available as package which can be installed with `pip install copasul`
* tests added to `tests/` folder
* praat scripts and `` moved to `scripts/` folder
* documentation updated accordingly


* fixed: `copasul_styl.styl_polyfit()` replaced `` by `int()`, since the former is not supported anymore by numpy.


* changed: `copasul_init.copasul_default()`, `copasul_augment.aug_cntr_seed()`, and `copasul_clst.clst_main()`: provide `seed` for KMeans clustering and bandwidth estimation for the purpose of reproducibility


* added: `copasul_utils.robust_corrcoef()`


* general re-factoring
* bugfix in copasul_export.upd_suma_feat(): IQR calculation corrected (before it was STD; affects all `*iqr` columns `summary.csv` output)
* `copasul_sigproc.specmom()`: replaced `sum()` by `np.sum()` leading to slightly different spectral moment values (differences are smaller than 1e-06)
* `copasul_augment.aug_prep_copy()`: keep original timestamps for automatically detected accents instead of those rounded to 2nd decimal.


* bugfix in copasul_styl.styl_voice_feat(): sorting pulse time stamps
* `` renamed to ``
* added progress bars for stylization steps
* ongoing refactoring

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