* pre-emphasis for spectral balance calculation now possible in time and frequency domain (the latter according to Fant et al, 2000)
* new sub-dictionary `opt['styl']['gnl_en']['sb']` for spectral balance settings:
* `'domain'`: `'time'` or `'freq'`; in which domain to do pre-emphasis and SPLH-SPL calculation
* `'alpha'`: for time-domain pre-emphasis. If `>1` it is interpreted as the lower boundary frequency from which on pre-emphasis is to be carried out.
* `'win'`: length of center window in sec within which spectral balance is to be calculated; default: -1 (length of segment)
* `'btype'`: filter type to specify frequency band relevant for spectral balance calculation: `<'none'>|'low'|'high'|'band'`
* 'f': cutoff frequency/ies for `'btype'` (default: -1, i.e. no filtering)
* `styl:gnl\_en:alpha` is deprecated and replaced by `styl:gnl\_en:sb:alpha`