
Latest version: v1.16.1

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Not secure
* latest gzip edition of the sfx: [v1.0.14](

* fix PUT response in write-only folders (broke in v1.1.11)

other changes
* [prisonparty](
* fix examples
* support running from source
* [mtag-install-deps](
* fix downloading tarballs from github (they stopped returning content-dispositions)
* build vamp-sdk from source if unavailable
* forgot to mention [partyjournal](
* was a new feature in v1.1.11
* shows a history of all uploads within a volume by reading the up2k db
* can replace IPs with nicknames if provided as arguments


Not secure
* latest gzip edition of the sfx: [v1.0.14](

new features
* include file-url in PUT responses
* to support the [android app](
* main-tabs have links and are linkable which would have been a great help [before the android app existed](

new plugins (disabled by default)
* []( and [meadup.js]( which together turns a raspberry pi into a janky yet extremely flexible chromecast clone
* anything uploaded through the app (files or links) are executed on the server
* adds a virtual keyboard by steinuil to the basic-upload tab
* dedicated to extremely particular occasions where randomly evaluating code is A-OK
* sweden-approved software

* return own external ip as `Host:` if `Host:` is not provided by client
* correct clipboard actions available when jumping between permission levels
* markdown converter accidentally using a broken ie11 shim on all browsers
* changing the sort-order in the file listing didn't affect the thumbnail view

other changes
* upgrade marked.js to 4.0.10
* fixes misc rendering bugs


Not secure
* latest gzip edition of the sfx: [v1.0.14](

* patiently wait when clients stop consuming data
* fixes connections going bad when streaming movies or music
* only affects sendfile, meaning reverse-proxied and non-https connections
* try FFmpeg when mutagen partially fails to parse a file (not just when it throws)

other changes
* add [multisearch.html](, applying a search template to a list of filenames
* the currently only example grabs youtube-IDs and finds all related files for that ID


Not secure
* latest gzip edition of the sfx: [v1.0.14](

new features
* folders are colored blue when using `?ls=v` to list stuff in a terminal
* add folder breadcrumbs inside the textfile navpane

* folder breadcrumbs (the non-navpane ones) glitching out while viewing textfiles
* give 404 instead of 500 when accessing `/.cpr`

other changes
* expose some more state from the up2k client to ease debugging
* for example to find out that firefox94 cannot read files bigger than 2 GiB when compiled with musl
* updated the [alternative fuse client]( so it kinda works again
* still no reason to use that instead of the [main client](


Not secure
[v1.1.5]( and [v1.1.6]( were pretty busted, sorry bout that
(so much for stable eh)
* latest gzip edition of the sfx: [v1.0.14](

known problems / todo
so far just mild annoyances, nothing bad
* clicking breadcrumbs with the textviewer open will navigate correctly but messes up the breadcrumbs
* server throws an exception when accessing `/.cpr`
* up2k should expose `st` for easier debugging

* search-results ui
* selecting / playing audio results broke in v1.1.5
* and playing audio tracks in search results would clobber the search URL but that has always been a thing
* only show unique IPs in the window-title


Not secure
* latest gzip edition of the sfx: [v1.0.14](

new features
* option `--doctitle` changes the titles in the web-ui from "copyparty" to something else
* option `--wintitle` sets the console window-title, defaults to the primary/external IP
* volume-flags [`d2ds` and `d2ts`]( to selectively disable on-boot indexing for some volumes
* support funky linux distros (with no `~/.config` and read-only `/tmp` such as recent Termux builds)

* last release broke folder listings if you left off the trailing slash in the url
* also fix the markdown-editor breadcrumbs which made that very obvious
* when running without `-e2d`, don't proactively create symlinks for dupe uploads
* prevents the client from accidentally pushing superflous links
* ui didn't update correctly when navigating into a folder with indexing disabled

other changes
* less indentation of outermost lists in the markdown viewer
* update some dependencies
* marked `3.0.4` -> `4.0.6` fixes a performance regression in huge documents

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