
Latest version: v1.16.1

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Not secure
* drop-in upgrade; no additional steps to consider since [v0.11.1](
* recent important updates:


Not secure
* this release fixes a deadlock in the thumbnails feature introduced in [v0.11.0](
* if you cannot upgrade for some reason, use `--no-thumb` to avoid it
* drop-in upgrade; no additional steps to consider since [v0.11.1](

new features:
* `--rproxy` specifies which IP to display in logs when reverse-proxied
* defaults to `1` which is the origin / actual client
* `--stackmon` periodically dumps a stacktrace to a file for debugging

* deadlock when converting thumbnails
* up2k-cli: recover from network errors during handshakes
* have to fix chunks too eventually


Not secure
[v0.11.11]( is the latest well-tested version ("stable"), maybe keep that as a fallback
* otherwise a drop-in upgrade; no additional steps to consider since [v0.11.1](

recent updates
nothing really important happened since [v0.11.6](; quick summary:
* [v0.11.9]( fix zip/tar of recursive symlinks
* [v0.11.10]( fix direct tls connections
* [v0.11.11]( fix live-rescan without a root folder
* this ver only adds new features

new features:
* image gallery / lightbox

if you want filetype icons on the thumbnails then check out [browser-icons.css](


Not secure
big changes, **bugs likely**, keep [v0.11.11]( as a fallback and go whine in the irc
* otherwise a drop-in upgrade; no additional steps to consider since [v0.11.1](

nothing really important happened since [v0.11.6](; quick summary:
* [v0.11.9]( fix zip/tar of recursive symlinks
* [v0.11.10]( fix direct tls connections
* [v0.11.11]( fix live-rescan without a root folder
* this ver only fixes unlikely edge-cases

new features:
* folder thumbnails if they contain `folder.jpg` or `folder.png`, good for music servers
* `--hist` stores the per-volume databases and thumbnails all in one place, instead of the `.hist` subfolders in each volume
* `--no-hash` disables file hashing, good for a simple searchable index, but keep in mind it disables file-search and dupe detection
* both this and `--hist` can be adjusted per-volume with volflags, see readme
* thumbnails keep transparency
* `--th-ff-jpg` fixes video thumbnails if your FFmpeg is bad (macos)
* more info in the [admin panel]( (num.files queued for hashing or tags)
* `--css-browser` to set [custom CSS](
* use `.prologue.html` or `.epilogue.html` to do this per-folder; that allows for javascript too
* cygpaths for windows, `-v c:\users::r` and `-v /c/users::r` both work now
* extremely minor (i think) performance improvements which probably drown in the new bloat

* mounting a volume deep inside another volume will no longer create additional databases, avoiding rescan of files in intermediate folders
* backwards-compat so it will continue to use any intermediate databases made by v0.11.11 or older
* better error message on basic-upload into a folder that doesn't exist / without permission
* minor race introduced in 0.11.1 which could be triggered by an upload really early after starting the server


Not secure
* drop-in upgrade, no additional steps since [v0.11.1](
* nothing really important since [v0.11.6](; quick summary:
* [v0.11.9]( fix zip/tar of recursive symlinks
* [v0.11.10]( fix direct tls connections
* this ver: fix live-rescan without a root folder

new features
* threadnames in the stackdump
* also truncate/censor filepaths
* most of the idle threads are indented + appear last
* up2k scans folders alphabetically (easier to eyeball progress)
* slightly better performance when sending files
* and other minor performance tweaks
* sfx: all js/css files are zopfli-compressed
* makes sfx bigger but resources are now 1/3 the size in transit

* another live-rescan fix (for configs without a root-folder)
* fix janky load-balancing with `-jN`


Not secure
* drop-in upgrade, no additional steps since [v0.11.1](
* nothing really important since [v0.11.6](
* [v0.11.9]( fix zip/tar of recursive symlinks
* this ver: fix direct tls connections

* actually close tls connections
* only affects direct https connections (no reverse-proxy between)
* mainly problematic for zip/tar downloads

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