
Latest version: v1.16.1

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Not secure
no important bugfixes, just new features

things to know when upgrading:
* `Pillow` and `FFmpeg` is now used to generate thumbnails
* `--no-thumb` disables both
* `--no-vthumb` disables just `FFmpeg`
* new optional dependencies:
* `Pillow` to enable thumbnails
* `pyheif-pillow-opener` to enable reading HEIF images
* `pillow-avif-plugin` to enable reading AVIF images
* `ffmpeg` and `ffprobe` to enable video thumbnails
* if you wish to wipe the DB and rebuild it to get the new metadata collected as of this version, and you have expensive `-mtp` parsers (bpm/key) and a huge database (or a slow server), consider

new features:
* thumbnails! of both static images and video files
* served as webp or jpg depending on browser support
* new hotkeys: G, T, S, A/D
* additional metadata collection with `-e2ts`
* audio/video codecs, video/image resolution, fps, ...
* if you wanna reindex, do a single run with `-e2tsr` to wipe the DB
* mtp can collect multiple tags at once
* expects json like `{ "tag": "value" }`, see end of

* when sorting by name, show folders first
* mimetypes for webp and opus on GET
* mojibake support
* up2k into mb folder
* indexing files in mb folders
* editing markdown in mb folders


Not secure
* browser: fix off-by-one which made the page slowly shrink back down when navigating away from a large folder
* browser/mediaplayer: handle unsupported audio codecs better in some (older?) browsers
* readme/requirements: firefox 34 and chrome 41 were the first browsers with native sha512 / full speed in up2k
* and the feature nobody asked for:


Not secure


Not secure
nothing important this time, just new bling and some fixes to support old browsers
(well except for the basic-uploader summary autoclosing immediately on completion, that was kinda user-confusing)

* add `ad`/`an` flags to `-mtp`; collect and display metadata from any file, not just audio-files
* up2k speedboost on older iPhones (native hashing on safari 7 through 10)
* add `--lf-url`, URL regex to exclude from log, defaults to `^/\.cpr/` (static files)
* add `--ihead` to print specific request headers, `*` prints all
* ux fixes
* include links to the uploaded files in bup summaries
* ...also make the bup summary not auto-close
* don't link to bup from up2k if read-only access
* toggle-switch for tooltips also affects the up2k ui
* stop flipping back to up2k on older browsers


Not secure
* fix: uploads when running copyparty on windows (broke in 0.10.18)
* fix: bup uploads would not get PARTIAL-suffixed if the filename length hits filesystem-max and the client disconnects mid-upload
* add `--dotpart` which hides uploads as dotfiles until completed
* very careful styling of the basic-browser


Not secure
* stop trying to be smart, do full redirects instead
* allow switching to basic-browser using cookie `b=u`
* fix mode-toggling (upload/search) depending on folder permissions
* persist/clear the password cookie with expiration
* slight optimizations for rclone clients
* other minor ui tweaks

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