* Fix Windows toolbar icon (emcek) * Show progress when downloading DCS-BIOS or new DCSpy release (emcek) * Fix when LCD is not cleared - 442 (emcek)
* Initial support colors for G19 - emcek * Internal: * Improve checking for new releases (pydantic model) - emcek * Only one branch stable version of DCS is preferred for new installs - emcek * Make Nuitka with Python 3.13 default when building executable - emcek
* Fix issue font size for G19 can be overwritten 394 - emcek * Dcspy not started with Python 3.9, fix issue with pydantic and type annotations - emcek * Internal: * Improve test coverage * Use type annotation from future
* Use symbolic link to DCS-BIOS live repository 347 (emcek) * Compile DCS-BIOS using LuaJIT from lupa library 373 (emcek) * Make switching between regular and live version of DCS-BIOS more reliable 390 (emcek) * Internal: * Update PySide6 framework to * Add support for Python 3.13 * Introduce `WorkerSignalsMixIn` to remove code duplication
* GUI should not be hide when starting when configuration is wrong (emcek) * Generate BIOS JSON's file during start-up and after BIOS update (emcek) * Move documentation to: [dcspy.readthedocs.io](https://dcspy.readthedocs.io) site (emcek) * Internal: * move default config into resources directory * check if BIOS JSON's files exist before do generation and compilation * Introduction of UV tool * use src-layout for python package * introduce Nuitka based executable generation * clean-up release pipeline