* Refresh G-Keys tab, after installation of DCS-BIOS * Some custom requests from config file are set as a different type * Keep more LCD screenshots to make troubleshooting easier * Make sure the last character in CUSTOM request is always pipe * Internal: * update lib dependencies and tools: pydantic, psutil
* Fix loading empty YAML file when Loading Logitech Keyboard instance * Show saved collection debug file in the status bar * Internal: * Start loging form very beginning * Fixing one of migration functions, old configuration could be not cleared
* Show messagebox during stat-up when Git executable is missing * Add dcs.log to debug data collection * Internal: * Update GitPython library * Fix old migration from 3.0.0 release
* Fix parsing data for **AH-64D Apache**
* LCD buttons can be assigned to any control/instrument like G-Keys * Report progress of live DCS-BIOS cloning repository gradually * Add progress when pulling DCS-BIOS repository * Fix parsing wrong configuration from YAML file - [221](https://github.com/emcek/dcspy/issues/221) * Update images keyboards to show all supported keys * Fix apply wrong configuration form config.yaml when starting * Fix radios for **A-10C** and **A-10C II** - - [!227](https://github.com/emcek/dcspy/pull/227) * Internal: * Update Pyside6, pydantic and psutil libraries * Add caching when paring DCS-BIOS yaml files for airplanes * Support old and new location of version file for DCS-BIOS * Fix parsing `Export.lua` file * Fix donate button * Add more unit test of QtGUI * decrease the complexity of code in few places
* Use PySide6 instead of the Custom Tkinter framework * Recognize Git objects for DCS-BIOS live repository * Improve DCS-BIOS update process * Add support for G-Keys of Logitech keyboards * Allow assigning G-Keys to any control/instrument of all DCS-BIOS supported plane * New model of support mods: basic (only G-Key) and advanced (G-Key + LCD) * Support for Python 3.12 * Internal: * G-Keys Logitech SDK C library * Use Pydantic data models * Auto migration of configuration file * Add unit tests for Qt GUI * improve CI process - add Python 3.12