* Basic support for **F-4E Phantom II** (emcek) * Add button to repair DCS-BIOS installation (emcek) * Can't start DCSpy after stopping 314 (emcek) * Internal: * Update PySide6 framework * optimize unit tests
* Fix update process when downloaded new release can not be saved in filesystem
* Fix issue when selecting any of a new device is preventing DCSpy from starting * Internal: * Add mouse handling to G-Key SDK
* Support for new devices (with G-Key and mouses with extra buttons): * Keyboards without LCD: G910, G710, G110, G103, G105, G11 * Headphones: G35, G633, G930, G933 * Mouses: G600, G300, G400, G700, G9, MX518, G402, G502, G602 * Internal: * improve type hinting in codebase * decrease code complexity * Bump PySide6 to 6.7.0 * Drop support for Python 3.8
* Add new State action to set a particular value for any controller (emcek) * Unload the previous plane when loading the next one - remove old BIOS callbacks (emcek) * When a new version is downloaded, DCSpy will restart itself (emcek) * Now all executable files do not contain a version, so LGS will not complains about profile name (emcek) * Internal: * Make LCD SDK more flexible and allow to start DCSpy without working LCD * add E2E test to run locally full flow of DCS-BIOS * Cleanup models and SDK packages
* Add new the Push button option to support push button controls with only two states (sleighzy, emcek) * Add search bar to search BIOS data (controls name, description etc.) for current aircraft (emcek) * Internal: * G-Key SDK callback support (sleighzy) * Update Qt6/PySide6 to 6.6.2 * remove `physical_variant` from models, due to changes is DCS-BIOS (emcek) * bug fixing and release stabilization (sleighzy, emcek)