
Latest version: v0.9.3

Safety actively analyzes 714792 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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[00048] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99725
[00049] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99746
[00050] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99990
[00051] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99915
[00052] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99962
[00053] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99930
[00054] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99982
[00055] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99985
[00056] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99851
[00057] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99794
Stopping the search because it did not improve for the last 10 evaluations!


* [NEW] **Hyperparameter search for text classification (Pytorch)**
* [NEW] **Neural Architecture Search with Multiple Input Tensors**
* [NEW] **From Neural Architecture Search to Automated Deep Ensemble with Uncertainty Quantification**
* [UPDATED] **Execution on the Theta supercomputer/N-evaluation per 1-node**

Hyperparameter search

* [NEW] **Filtering duplicated samples**: New parameters `filter_duplicated` and `n_points` appeared for ``. By default `filter_duplicated = True` implies that the search space filters duplicated values until it cannot sample new unique values (and therefore will re-sample existing configurations of hyperparameters). This filtering behaviour and sampling speed are sensitive to the `n_points` parameter which corresponds to the number of samples drawn from the search space before being filtered by the surrogate model. By default `n_points = 10000`. If `filter_duplicated = False` then the filtering of duplicated points will be skipped but `n_points` will still impact sampling speed.
* Arguments of `AMBS` were adapted to match the maximisation setting of DeepHyper: `"LCB" -> "UCB"`, `cl_min -> cl_max`, `"cl_max" -> "cl_min"`.

Neural architecture search

The package `deephyper.nas` was restructured. All the neural architecture search space should now be subclasses of `deephyper.nas.KSearchSpace`:

import tensorflow as tf

from deephyper.nas import KSearchSpace
from deephyper.nas.node import ConstantNode, VariableNode
from deephyper.nas.operation import operation, Identity

Dense = operation(tf.keras.layers.Dense)
Dropout = operation(tf.keras.layers.Dropout)

class ExampleSpace(KSearchSpace):

def build(self):

input nodes are automatically built based on `input_shape`
input_node = self.input_nodes[0]

we want 4 layers maximum (Identity corresponds to not adding a layer)
for i in range(4):
node = VariableNode()
self.connect(input_node, node)

we add 3 possible operations for each node
node.add_op(Dense(100, "relu"))

input_node = node

output = ConstantNode(op=Dense(self.output_shape[0]))
self.connect(input_node, output)

return self

space = ExampleSpace(input_shape=(1,), output_shape=(1,)).build()

will output:

Model: "model_1"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param
input_0 (InputLayer) [(None, 1)] 0
dense_3 (Dense) (None, 100) 200
dense_4 (Dense) (None, 100) 10100
dropout_2 (Dropout) (None, 100) 0
dense_5 (Dense) (None, 1) 101
Total params: 10,401
Trainable params: 10,401
Non-trainable params: 0

To have a complete example follow the **Neural Architecture Search (Basic)** tutorial.

The main changes were the following:
* `AutoKSearchSpace`, `SpaceFactory`, `Dense`, `Dropout` and others were removed. Operations like `Dense` can now be created directly using the `operation(tf.keras.layers.Dense)` to allow for lazy tensor allocation.
* The search space class should now be passed directly to the `NaProblem.search_space(KSearchSpaceSubClass)`.
* `` is now `deephyper.nas`
* All operations are now under `deephyper.nas.operation`
* Nodes are now under `deephyper.nas.node`

* **API Reference**: A new section on the documentation website to give details about all usable functions/classes of DeepHyper.


* Notebooks generated with `deephyper-analytics` were removed.
* `deephyper ray-submit`
* `deephyper ray-config`
* Some unused dependencies were removed: `balsam-flow`, `deap`.


[00045] -- best objective: 9.99969 -- received objective: 9.99755
[00046] -- best objective: 9.99969 -- received objective: 9.99742
[00047] -- best objective: 9.99995 -- received objective: 9.99995


[00043] -- best objective: 9.99875 -- received objective: 9.99735
[00044] -- best objective: 9.99969 -- received objective: 9.99969


[00033] -- best objective: 9.99790 -- received objective: 9.99640
[00034] -- best objective: 9.99790 -- received objective: 9.98190
[00035] -- best objective: 9.99790 -- received objective: 9.98854
[00036] -- best objective: 9.99790 -- received objective: 9.98335
[00037] -- best objective: 9.99790 -- received objective: 9.99303
[00038] -- best objective: 9.99790 -- received objective: 9.99271
[00039] -- best objective: 9.99790 -- received objective: 9.99164
[00040] -- best objective: 9.99790 -- received objective: 9.99313
[00041] -- best objective: 9.99790 -- received objective: 9.99236
[00042] -- best objective: 9.99875 -- received objective: 9.99875

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