
Latest version: v0.9.1

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[00003] -- best objective: 6.38145 -- received objective: 3.73641
[00004] -- best objective: 7.29998 -- received objective: 7.29998


optimizer: adam
patience_EarlyStopping: 22
patience_ReduceLROnPlateau: 10
arch_seq: '[229, 0, 22, 0, 1, 235, 29, 1, 313, 1, 0, 116, 123, 1, 37, 0, 1, 388]'
batch_size: 51


optimizer: nadam
patience_EarlyStopping: 23
patience_ReduceLROnPlateau: 14

Neural architecture search

New documentation for the problem definition

A new documentation for the neural architecture search problem setup can be found [here](

It is now possible to defined [auto-tuned hyperparameters]( in addition of the architecture in a NAS Problem.

New Algorithms for Joint Hyperparameter and Neural Architecture Search

Three new algorithms are available to run a joint Hyperparameter and neural architecture search. The Hyperparameter optimisation is defined as HPO and neural architecture search as NAS.

* `agebo` (Aging Evolution for NAS with Bayesian Optimisation for HPO)
* `ambsmixed` (an extension of Asynchronous Model-Based Search for HPO + NAS)
* `regevomixed` (an extension of regularised evolution for HPO + NAS)

A run function to use data-parallelism with Tensorflow

A new run function to use data-parallelism during neural architecture search is available ([link to code](

To use this function pass it to the run argument of the command line such as:

deephyper nas agebo ... --run ... --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 --evaluator ray --address auto ...

This function allows for new hyperparameters in the `Problem.hyperparameters(...)`:


Optimization of the input pipeline for the training

The data-ingestion pipeline was better optimised to reduce the overheads on GPU instances:

self.dataset_train = (
.shuffle(self.train_size, reshuffle_each_iteration=True)

Easier model generation from Neural Architecture Search results

A new method is now available from the Problem object `Problem.get_keras_model(arch_seq)` to easily build a Keras model instance from an `arch_seq` (list encoding a neural network).


loss: log_cosh


loss: mae


We are happy to release the new version of DeepHyper with software quality updates.

- DeepHyper is now compatible with `Python>=3.10;<=3.13`.
- The [pip installation]( was updated.
- The package build tools have been updated to modern tools (mainly, `pyproject.toml`, hatchling, and ruff). wigging
- The code base style/content was improved accordingly. wigging
- Our [contributing guidelines]( have been updated. wigging
- The CI tests pipeline has been updated. wigging


The `Evaluator` API has been updated to avoid possibly leaking threads when using ``. The `"serial"` method is now only accepting `coroutinefunction` (i.e., using the `async def` keywords in the function definition). The running job received by the run-function `def run(job)` now has `job.status` (`READY`, `RUNNING`, `DONE`, `CANCELLING`, `CANCELLED`) to handle coopérative cancellation. The user can regularly check this status to manage the job termination (useful with parallel backends such as `"serial", "thread", "mpicomm"`. The dumped `results.csv` will now provide the final status of each job. Deathn0t

New examples will be provided in the documentation.

Two new `Storage` are now available to benefit from shared memory in distributed parallel execution.
- [MPIWinStorage]( specific to `"mpicomm"` execution and based on one-sided communication (a.k.a., remote memory access RMA). Deathn0t
- [SharedMemoryStorage]( specific to `"process"` execution. Deathn0t

Removing deprecated modules

The `` and `deephyper.problem` subpackages previously deprecated are now removed. The `deephyper.hpo` should be used instead.

Spack installation

Our team is currently undergoing an update of our [Spack installation]( If you are a Spack user and would like to experiment with it, please get in touch with us. bretteiffert

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